The Truforgiveness BlogĀ
It was in 1997 when I had a near-death experience. And prior to my spirit rising from my body, I...
For too long the ego has turned faith into something special. Fighting the other to prove that...
God is in constant communication with the right mind of peace and love, to where The Treasure Map...
God is not separate from You, in the truth of your being Perfect Love. Yet, whilst you sleep and...
When I was a little girl God came to me to save my life. I was 8 years of age. He revealed, "My...
In truth, there is only the Father and the Son. In the beginning, there was God and He extended...
Recently Doreen Virtue, the well-known angel whisperer, had some words to say about ACIM. What...
Do not let the ego convince you that you are God. There is a popular affirmation often...
What seems like such a long time ago now, when I was battling to not only stay sane but fighting...
There are two sides of God that you can sit. As there are only two choices you can make. One, of...