The Right-Minded Revelation 

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True Spirituality

god spiritual teacher truth Mar 22, 2025

What does spirituality mean?

As it is written. It means spirit not form. Thus, it relates to being not to body. You cannot know being when you are trapped in the thought system of the wrong mind (ego-identification). For this mind of judgment and attack teaches that you are the body and not the being that must wake from the dream of death you have fallen into.

The wrong mind takes truth and teaches it as its own. Remember, spirit cannot be parted, which is why it is perfect. To remember spirit is not to die, but rather to wake to the right mind that is still at One with God. The same mind that spiritual teachers of the past had made their own... Jesus, Buddha, etc. But as more people begin to wake to the right mind of Perfect Love, the extension of light will begin to lift us out of the battlefield of competition, chaos, and confusion.

We are now in the era of purification... And as we reclaim the light the teachings will once more correct. Yes, as we evolve, so do the lessons as we unlearn fear to remember love, Perfect Love. For we must dream to wake not to die.

Which practices can bring comfort to me?

True peace belongs to the right mind of wholeness, holiness and happiness. Where this mind of greatness keeps you safe and secure from the projections of pain and punishment the belief in separation from Source has made. You must look upon the darkness you see without, and withdraw it within. For the light of true salvation has been concealed beneath the shadows the idea of sin, guilt, and fear has made.

You will be released from fear. And when you continue to forgive within, undoing guilt to find grace, you will change your mind from separate to the same. Giving up the nightmare for the happy dream that precedes spiritual awakening.

In the right mind - which is the mind you may know as your intuition - you reclaim the Thought system of God. Where thought has been purified from fear to love. And is not only positive but it is true.

First you purify what you think - from the wrong mind to the right - then you extend light. Such as the 'I Am' or 'I Love' principles. Yes, you must first learn how to build your Home upon the rock and not the sand, and it is this The Treasure Map makes so. You see, the sand refers to the mind of littleness and the rock to the mind of sameness. Where the power of peace and the presence of positivity hold true.

I am certain there are many ways back to God. This is the way of Truforgiveness; The Treasure Map. It is the only way that I know. Is this the way for you? Well, allow your inner voice to decide. For this is your true Will, the One You share with God.

How can I be with myself in the quiet?

Your true Self belongs to the right mind of revelation. Where safety, security and success belong. What does this mean? It means the wrong mind of ego thinking - with your awareness in the brain - is not your true Self. Seek not to consciously control your ego-mind, for the true Thoughts of stillness belong to being not to body. This refers to the right mind of Perfect Love, that is free from the shadows of separation you seek not to pain or punish yourself.

Yes, true quietness means there are no need for physical words, for conversion is via revelation. A soft osmosis that moves freely, for here knowledge reside. In the truth of our being everything not nothing.

How can I be with myself in the chaos?

Chaos belongs to the shadows the belief in separation from Source has made. You must actively seek to get yourself out of the darkness and into the light. The light of the right mind, where your true Self of completion reside. And one such way to obtain this is via the right FAITH of Truforgiveness; The Treasure Map. As you atone each layer presented in the subconscious mind that seeks to conceal the right mind, where God is.

Yes, you must start to mentally knock on the door from separate to the same, and keep doing so with the 'I Forgive...' principle. This door to truth, trust & totality will eventually open and you will remember your true teacher. The right mind that knows and does not perceive. For it is from this place of stillness inside that is free from chaos and competition, you cannot be hurt nor harmed. This is your true place of rest. The right mind that is so complete the shadows of suffering cannot enter.

What does trust/intuition mean to me?

Seek not to trust the wrong mind and the story of separation and suffering. For true trust belongs to the right mind. The mind of intuition that is in constant communication with God. It is this mind of completion that teaches you how to build your Home upon the rock and not the sand. So when the shadows of your brothers are sent your way, you will not fall nor fail. For that which is complete in Perfect Love cannot attack nor be attacked.

The safety, security and success of the right mind - the transfer of trust - is worth the purification process you must move through as you change your mind from wrong to right. I promise, the first time you open the door to the right mind and you experience the peace of God, it is something words cannot describe. You will finally understand "Nothing surpasses the peace of God." But as soon as you are there, right mind, you will then move back into the wrong mind. You will feel the change from trust to terror. You simply must continue to clean within, and one day, you will find your way into the right mind, where you get to rest in the perfection of completion. Oneness with Perfect Love (God).

Divine guidance is granted from your center. Deep within the darkness you must clean out of the subconscious. Until you discover the light. Where guidance is no longer sporadic but rather constant.

How do I put my spirituality into practice?

To be truly spiritual is to get your thinking out of the wrong mind of judgment and attack and into the lower gut, where The Treasure Map takes you. For the wrong mind of ego thinking teaches the body is true. 

Jesus was spiritual, yet religion has taken truth and reclaimed it as it sees fit. Jesus taught spirit not form, and sameness not separateness. And the path he used to achieve atonement was that of forgiveness. Not the way the ego teaches forgiveness, but the way that God does. And it is a process of FAITH. 

Thus, to put your spirituality into practice is to complete your treasure maps. Continuing to 'forgive within' with the 'I Forgive' principle. You are constantly withdrawing the darkness to remember the light. Slowly and gently, over time, you will stop the shadows from continuing to project. You will eventually allow the light of the right mind to extend which is what grants the happy dream in time.

Who/what supports me in gaining fulfilment?

The fulfilment you seek belongs to the right mind of completion. Where there are no shadows of suffering that keep you trapped to lack, loss, and limitation. Yes, from the right mind you will have the support you seek, for you have given up the guilt of sin (the idea of separation) which is what calls forth the pain, punishment, and problems seen in time. 

It is from the right mind you build upon the rock, that Jesus spoke, for here the peace and power of Perfect Love (God) reside. It is this wholeness of holiness that will make you truly happy. Where you will be on purpose (right-minded) and witness to the kind dream and not the cruel one. Simply by changing your mind from wrong to right - by cleaning out the guilt to know grace - you will become saved from suffering.

The Truth of God

You will not know God until you reclaim the right mind, for God is spirit not form. And the wrong mind of separation and suffering teaches an opposing thought system to God. God is Perfect Love, and yes, the wrong mind of ego cannot comprehend something that it is not. 

First you purify your thinking from the wrong mind to the right. Then you extend the light of the right mind. No longer will you perceive but You will know. It is from the right mind the Self that is perfect, peaceful and powerful holds true.

For God is in constant communication with the right mind of peace and love. It is this mind-correction that I have made my own. It is this that allows me to follow God and not the ego. I no longer live by the laws of ego thinking, but rather, the laws of God. I truly forgive the darkness and I am grateful for the delight. By doing my best to withdraw the shadows of separation I stay bound to the right mind. The cave of completion that is everything not nothing.

I hope this helps you a little. For true spirituality is via practical application not theology alone.

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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