Body Love

What you hate about your body is what you must clean up from within. And what is sick and suffering is also what you must truly forgive to remove the shadows that seek hurt & harm. For the true cause of pain and punishment is the guilt from the misperception of separation from Source.

 The Maps

To Love Your Body is to Truly Forgive Your Vessel in Time

$30.00 Each Purchase

* True healing is made via practical application not theology alone. Always listen to the inner voice so the shift from terror to truth does not induce more fear. Allow The Treasure Map to be your complimentary therapy,  nd always seek medical advice if needed.

Body Movement


Body Acceptance

Acceptance belongs to the light within

Right Surgery


Body Age

You are limited by what you believe

Right Surgery


Blood Pressure

Allow the right mind to guide the way

Right Surgery


Clean Hair

Truly forgive the curls and the cuts

Right Surgery


Right Clothes

The right mind is not limited by rules

Right Surgery


Dental Health

Clean your mouth from within to without

Right Surgery


Right Face

Allow your light to shine from inside

Right Surgery


Body Healing

Allow grace within to guide in goodness

Right Surgery



Find what is burning from within

Right Surgery


Body Kindness

Kindness is granted with Truforgiveness

Right Surgery



Laziness belongs to the shadows

Right Surgery


Body Love

Dissolve the darkness to find the light

Right Surgery


Body Problem

Forgive within to move to peace

Right Surgery


Body Respect

Respect belongs to love light not dark

Right Surgery


Sexual Healing

Clean up your sex to be satisfied

Right Surgery


Healthy Skin

The love you seek is within

Right Surgery


Body Shape

Extend light and you will love your shape

Right Surgery


Body Weight

Remove the worry to weight right

Body Light

To truly love your body is to 'forgive within' the hidden hate and secret sin that lands upon this vessel in time. Whatever has happened to the body is what you must clean up with FAITH to remove the shadows that seek sickness and suffering.

Healthy Bowels



To be happy with your body is to know the light within




Undo the guilt that seeks sickness and suffering




Your body gives you clues as to what it needs... listen

Body Beauty 

A beautiful body is one filled with light and love, where the shadows of separation have been undone and the guilt of sin is no more. For you allow your right face - the right mind of peace and love - to shine forth. Do not allow the ego to tell you what is beautiful for real beauty belongs to authenticity.

When you learn to extend love outward, you will love your body, no matter the look, feel or touch. The scars you see can only hurt when love has not been made welcome.

Find the truth of Perfect Love within and no matter the size, shape or structure of the body, you will love it, for what is within is seen without. This is true healing: the mind-correction from dark to light.

Tru to not judge what you move through. Yes, truly forgive every grievance that you have from disliking the texture to being filled with fear, for the body is your vessel you need to complete your lessons in time. Continue to clean within until only love remain, and I promise, you will become grateful to the body that allows you to remember your true Self.


The Dog Disgust Treasure Map

Your free treasure map giftbook that seeks to remove the shadow of suffering on the dog meat consumption industry.

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