Body True Prayers
Here you shall find your true prayers related to the body. From physical or mental illness to aches and pains. Truly forgive the body and these lessons in time. For the more right-minded you become the less you can suffer in sin and sickness.
30 Questions...
15 Page PDF Download
$20.00 Each
Each download includes your set of questions to mentally move you through the darkness within to uncover the light of Perfect Love. It is this change of mind - from the wrong to the right - that makes miracles.
The Right Mind
The right mind is your voice of intuition, only when you get the barriers out of the way, no longer is the guidance sporadic but instead constant.
I am in communication with God, for I have successfully moved through a purification process that allowed me to change my mind from the wrong to the right. Make no mistake, I did the internal work of Truforgiveness. Until I reclaimed the truth of light that is whole, holy and happy. It is this that grants the happy dream in time.
A prayer of the ego seeks to entreat. This keeps you trapped to the wrong mind of littleness, lack, and lovelessness.
True Prayer
A true prayer takes you deep into the subconscious mind to truly forgive the darkness that conceals your light of Perfect Love.
Power Prayer
When you have uncovered the right mind you extend light with the 'I Love' principle, that is powerful & purposeful.
Truforgiveness Teaching
All prayer is divine, for it is a means for the created to communicate with the Creator. However, instead of begging and pleading for help, when you 'forgive within' you remove the barriers that keep the truth of Perfect Love out of your thinking. When you have love that is whole and holy, you will not be denied. For what is within is seen without.