True Healing has Arrived

The Treasure Map is the path to peace that offers the happiness you seek. It truly is miraculous. Whatever you are struggling with I am certain she can assist you to drop the luggage of liability that you carry to reclaim a treasure to keep forever.
The Treasure Map is your path out of pain, problems, and punishment and into the health, happiness and harmony that you desire.

This is the way God taught me to truly transform. It will be unlike any other healing that you have seen. Apply it to whatever is not working in your life...

... And Make Miracles Your Own!
As You Learn the True Way to Truly Heal.

Welcome to The Treasure Map, an ancient tool that was once lost but has now been found...



In 1982 God appeared to me when I was a little girl of 8. He revealed, "My Precious Child. Please do not be afraid for one day in your twenties you will understand." After a 40-year wait, I finally do, God has sent The Treasure Map to stop suffering. Yes, the twenties are here and He has answered our prayers. Truly forgive via the process of FAITH & miracles will be made.

The deep dive to undo pain & suffering:

➔ Module 1: Learn what The Miracle of The Treasure Map is and how to draw up your maps.
➔ Module 2: For those interested in spiritual-psychology this module takes the student deep into The Metaphysics.
➔ Module 3: Listen to my story from suffering to salvation as you walk with The Messenger.
➔ Module 4: Your chance to make miracles your own as the practical application of The Maps begins.
➔ Module 5: See what is ahead for you on this path to true healing with The Menu.
➔ Module 6: The Materials Plus are the extra tools I used to make my impossible dream, possible.
➔ Module 7: The Movement occurs when you undo fear to find love. See how much you have unlearned to remember.
➔ Module 8: The Mystery Surprise will be revealed after 40-days from date of purchase of the course.

In this course, no stone will be left unturned. It includes all you need to know about this spiritual-psychology that is set to change the world. Truforgiveness Therapy has arrived and it offers true healing, the release from fear and the remembrance of love, Perfect Love.

See some of what is within below...


How do you truly heal?

You truly forgive all the barriers to the awareness of love's presence that has been hidden from your awareness. Deep within you is the truth of Perfect Love, so complete that fear cannot enter. The Treasure Map takes you to this well of wholeness within that will ease your pain & suffering. She includes:


 You must learn to forgive within, not merely without.


This is the process of how you truly forgive that makes miracles happen.

The 'I Forgive' Principle 

You need the transformational tool to take you from fear to love.

What others have had to say....

Cynthia M 




The Treasure Map brings new hope to forgiveness and healing for the soul.

Reaya P




The best healing session that I have had. Amazing. Thanks.

Dani G




I have a new existence and purpose now, life has never been better.

True Healing & The Treasure Map

I have given all you need to know about the miracle of The Treasure Map to get you on your way to changing your life for the better. Honestly, true healing happens via practical application and not theology alone. So dive into the modules that call to you, but make sure you complete the treasure maps which undo the past in the present to release the future from suffering.

The Outline & Objectives

This short video provides the outline of what is within as you learn to change your mind from the wrong mind. of ego-identification to the right mind of peace and love that is hidden deep within the subconscious mind.


The Treasure Map will change you!

There is nothing too big or too small that The Treasure Map cannot heal. She is God's true healing tool and makes miracles happen. Had I not of been so broken that I did not think I could get back up, I would not know with absolute certainty that she will transform you from the inside out. This is the true way to pray as it removes the barriers that keep the belief of sin, guilt, and fear in place. Do not judge your true healing upon the body, for true healing is of the mind. However, by giving up the guilt within you let go of your call for punishment & the mind then has the power to correct the body. If this is what is best for you.

The importance of True Healing...

Whom is it for?

➔ It is for those that are ready to be free from pain & suffering.

➔ For people that are seeking the happy dream instead of the nightmare.

➔ Those wanting to remember their true Self: perfect, peaceful and powerful.

➔ You! For you are worthy and deserving of being loved truly. When you find this truth of love within you will have it without.

What can I expect?

➔ You can expect to truly heal, to let go of fear to find love.

➔ You will be introduced to deep spiritual truths taught by God and not the ego.

➔ Spend time each day truly forgiving the barriers to the awareness of love's presence, which is what a true prayer is.

➔ Miracles! For those that do the work and are willing to truly forgive the darkness by the process of FAITH to find the light of Perfect Love.

What are three important reasons why I need The Treasure Map?


Without it, you will stay bound to ego-identification.

You are not the little self of separation. You are the Child of God but you must find the right mind to welcome in truth.


You will not be free from the shadows of suffering until you have truly forgiven everything

It is the guilt within you that seeks the ways of suffering, so when you truly forgive it, it is gone. Along with your need to be hurt & harmed.


Stop sitting in the effects and learn to correct the cause

The cause is always within. When you withdraw the shadows and shift your thinking to the right mind you become powerful to change your script in time.

Imagine what it will feel like as:

  • You learn a miraculous way to undo your pain.
  • You finally let yourself off the hook and stop seeking ways to hurt yourself.
  • You let go of self-sabotage which is what the guilt of sin offers.
  • You find the truth of wholeness within which stops the ego quest of wanting for more.
  • You access the power of Oneness as you come to know you are love not fear.
  • You welcome in the happy life for you have let go of your call for punishment.
  • You make your impossible dream, possible for Perfect Love denies you not.

Are you willing to look upon your buried pain, truly forgive it to become free from it?

Do not fear the darkness within, for the truth of light - Perfect Love - has been concealed within it. If you mentally dive deep enough you will find the well of wholeness that will ease the problems the belief in separation has made.

By the end of True Healing & The Treasure Map you will:

  • Know how to stop the shadows of suffering from projecting further into time. This allows you to change your story in time.
  • Know the true way to forgive that God has granted that makes miracles happen, this offers instant release from fear.
  • Know how to understand the true teachings of ACIM via revelation and not ego interpretation. Read from the right mind from where the Course was written.
  • Know how to draw up your treasure maps that will ease your pain, problems and need to be punished. This is priceless!

Let's take a look at what's inside

Module 1: The Miracle (45 mins)

In this first module you will be gently introduced to The Treasure Map, how it will assist you to live a better life, learn to draw up your treasure map by journaling or an inward meditation and be offered a mind-map to move through this course.

Module 2: The Metaphysics (80 mins)

This module is for those interested in metaphysics and will take the student deep into the workings of The Treasure Map and explains some spiritual truths often misinterpreted by ego thinking.

Module 3: The Messenger (60 mins)

Here I will take the student through my own lessons of suffering and how I utilized what came to harm to allow me to truly heal. What once seemed like a burden became my greatest blessing allowing me to let go of ego-identification.

Module 4: The Maps (4 hrs)

For those eager to begin the practical application of drawing up their treasure maps this is where the miracles begin. You will need at least 3.5 hours to draw up your treasure maps in this module. Ideally, do each of the three exercises on consecutive days, not on the same day.

Module 5: The Menu (40 mins)

Be introduced to the different avenues of true healing you can take with The Treasure Map. Each lesson includes spiritual teachings to lead the student to the truth of wholeness within - Perfect Love. This is true healing, undoing the wrong mind to return to the right mind of peace and love.

Module 6: The Materials Plus (65 mins)

In this module I offer extra information that I used to make my impossible dream, possible. It also includes bonus treasure maps and possibly a treasure hunt. These have not been calculated into the time to complete the course as they are optional.

Module 7: The Movement (20 mins)

The true healing offered by The Treasure Map will become a movement, as we begin to unite to undo the hidden guilt within that seeks to pain and punish us. It is time for the belief in separation and differences to be undone as we come to see that we are the same, for Oneness is true, not separateness.

Module 8: The Mystery Surprise (15 mins)

This module unlocks after 40-days. So stick around to see what meditative surprise unlocks for you to assist your true healing.

The Plus Package...

For those that want a deeper dive, then come into The Plus Package! It includes The Dis-ease Treasure Hunt with 15+ hours of Truforgiveness practice and more... This hunt is set up as a journaling activity. And can only be purchased here, as part of The Plus Package.


The Plus Package: Dis-ease Mini-Course

  • Of course, you receive the course but you also gain access to The Dis-ease Treasure Hunt
    Do not limit dis-ease to those physical ailments, of course, these are important to correct, but true healing happens within before it is seen without. For example, if you suffer with weight problems or self-harm you must release the hidden hate within that seeks to pain and punish you. Whatever you are not feeling good about is what you must truly heal to become free from.
  • This includes at least 15+ hours of Truforgiveness practice as you move through the following treasure map giftbooks:
    Unwellness, Sickness, Suffering, Stress, Worry, Movement, Separation, Determination, The Treasure Map & God.
    There is so much more included that is not listed here, such as a treasure map meditation and Truforgiveness teachings.
  • It is by practical application that miracles are made. The more you undo the darkness within the greater the truth of light (love) you reclaim. Initially, things might get darker for you, as you are excavating within. This is the mistake many make. They then stop. You must keep on going, for the light has been concealed behind the darkness. If you trust me, I will show you the way from fear to love, Perfect Love.


What else can I share with you...

Are you ready to remember Perfect Love?

It is time to stop begging to be loved. Hidden deep within you is the truth of Perfect Love that is so whole fear cannot enter. By reclaiming the truth of the wholeness of holiness you will welcome in the happy dream in time as you begin to build your impossible dream!

I'll see you on the inside!

Are you ready to remember Perfect Love?

It is time to stop begging to be loved. Hidden deep within you is the truth of Perfect Love that is so whole fear cannot enter. By reclaiming the truth of the wholeness of holiness you will welcome in the happy dream in time as you begin to build your impossible dream!

I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Yes! I'm Ready

Medical Disclaimer: I am not a doctor of medicine, but I am a teacher of God. I have the true way to forgive granted by God that makes miracles happen, although I cannot guarantee what you will receive. What you put into this course is what you shall get out. If you do complete it you will have a life skill that you can utilize whenever peace has been forgotten, for The Treasure Map guides you deep within to the love you think you have lost. If you do decide to work with The Treasure Map you must give up all blame, for blame reinforces the belief in separation, which is the true cause of every pain, problem, and punishment you move through in time.

This course comes with a complete 30-day money-back guarantee of FAITH on it (excluding the PLUS purchase). What do you have to lose? You have your fear to lose as you remember your perfect, peaceful, powerful Self that offers the happy dream in time.