The Treasure Map Giftbooks
The deeper dive into The Treasure Map, as you journal your way from the wrong mind to the right and discover some other treasures along the way.
Each Purchase Includes:
- 45 Page PDF Download
- 30 Questions
- Automatic Writing
* True healing is made via practical application not theology alone. Always listen to the inner voice so the shift from terror to truth does not induce more fear.
Aching Loneliness
Clean up the void within to discover the light of love concealed inside that completes in Perfect Love
Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety belongs to the shadows (the wrong mind) the belief in separation from Source has made
Belief Correction
By the time you complete your treasure map your thinking has been purified from false to true
When you remove the veil of guilt within the subconscious you uncover the light of Perfect Love
Clean Mirror
You see without what is within. So take the shadows and withdraw them within to see the light concealed inside
Deciphering Dreams
Allow the right mind to reveal the true meaning of your nightly visions from the mind that grants divine guidance
Find the will of the right mind and you will not be stopped, for the right mind is whole & holy
Healing Homelessness
For those that need to clean up the problems within the home to move from punished to peace
Healthy Boundaries
When you reclaim the right mind you will extend light without that keeps the shadows away
Jackpot Lottery
For those that dream to win then you must learn to remove the guilt within that keeps you in lack
Lovely Friends
Shine your light upon your friends to find those that are filled with light not dark
Light Cave
There are two thought systems and you cannot give allegiance to both minds at the same time
I Am...
The 'I Am' principle belongs to the right mind of wholeness, holiness and happiness
Family Home
You clean without, so clean within. For what you are being is what you are having
Finding Clarity
The good guidance you seek belongs to the right mind of wholeness, holiness and happiness
Moving Mountains
When you change your mind from the wrong to the right, what was once a burden becomes a blessing
Miraculous Possibility
Remove the guilt within that keeps you being separate from the light of miraculous possibility
Perfect, Peaceful, Powerful Self
The Self that is whole, holy and happy belongs to the right mind of Perfect Love and precious peace
Release Stealing
From stealing to being stolen from it is the same shadow of darkness that seeks hurt and harm
Rewards & Receiving
By uncovering the light of the right mind you will stop seeking to hurt and harm yourself
Selfish to Selfless
Judge nothing, truly forgive everything and you will truly heal to change your mind from body to being
Secrets Revealed
Each shadow covers the light of Perfect Love, so seek not to hide your pain but to clean up to be released
Word Hate
Dissolve the darkness that fills your words to share your truth of light and love, from the right mind of wholeness
The Giftbooks
If you enjoy journaling then you will love the giftbooks. They offer you a chance to not only journal your treasure map (which takes around 90+ minutes) but also offers divine guidance and work pages to find your own right-minded wisdom. Ideally, allow for 90 minutes to two (2) hours to complete. This might seem extreme, but The Treasure Map is your Truforgiveness Therapy. By the time you complete your map your thinking has been corrected from dark to light. It is the therapy you do with God.
Truth be told, when journaling The Treasure Map, you do not need to write eligibly. Scribbles will suffice, for what is most important is that you have your thinking deep in the lower gut. As you mentally tap on the layers in the subconscious, in order to open the door from the wrong mind to the right.
The giftbooks are also fillable, so they can be completed online. Once again, it is not about correct spelling. Type freely. If you make a mistake, let it be. For what is most important is that you follow the 'I Forgive' principle to the light of the right mind that grants revelation.