The Giftbooks

Your 45 page PDF download that includes your true prayer and chance to journal your treasure map. This is your Truforgiveness Therapy to purify your thinking from false perception to true.

The Forgiving Within... 


Purify Your Thinking From Fear to Love
$30.00 Each Giftbook


Aching Loneliness

The light within releases you from darkness


Belief Correct

Belief is purified from dark to light


Blinding Mask

Remove the veil that distorts sight


Clean Mirror

Remove the veil of guilt to see anew


Deciphering Dreams

Access the good guidance within


Driven & Determined

The light of perfection is powerful


Family Home

Clean within to have this without


Finding Clarity

Clarity belongs to the right mind


God Is My Parent

God is everything


Healthy Boundary

Extend light to be safe & secure


Healing Home

To heal your home is to forgive it


How To Make Money

Make money by reclaiming wholeness


Light Cave

The cave of completion knows everything


Lovely Friends

Friends filled with FAITH and not fear


Lottery Jackpot

Allow the right mind to reveal treasure


Miraculous Possibility

Open your mind to expand awareness


Money Stress

Take the suffering out of money


Money Worthiness

Worthiness belongs to wholiness


Moving Mountains

Remove the barriers that keep you stuck


Selfish to Selfless

Move from limited to limitless


Healing Neighbors

Truly forgive the wall between

The Right Mind

The right mind is your voice of intuition. When you get the barriers of sin, guilt, and fear out of the way, no longer is the guidance sporadic but spontaneous.

I am in communication with God, for I have successfully moved through a purification process that allowed me to change my mind from the wrong to the right. Make no mistake, I did the practical application of Truforgiveness. It is this that allowed me to reclaim the truth of light that is whole, holy and happy. From the right mind you will witness the kind dream in time.

The journaling of The Treasure Map is extremely powerful. You must learn to listen to the inner voice as to the pace you are to do. For you are accountable for saving yourself, as we each are for ourselves.



A prayer of the ego seeks to entreat. This keeps you trapped to the wrong mind of littleness, lack, and lovelessness. 

True Prayer

A true prayer takes you deep into the subconscious mind to truly forgive the darkness that conceals your light.

Power Prayer

 When you have uncovered the right mind you extend light with the 'I Love' principle, that is powerful & purposeful.

 Truforgiveness Teaching 

All prayer is divine, for it is a means for the created to communicate with the Creator. However, instead of begging and pleading for help, when you 'forgive within' you remove the barriers that keep the truth of Perfect Love out of your thinking. When you have love that is whole and holy, you will not be denied. For what is within is seen without.


The Healing Homelessness Giftbook

If you would like to assist to clean up the shadow of homelessness then dive into this free treasure map giftbook now

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