The Inward Meditations
A treasure map meditation consists of a series of 30 questions to guide you deeper into the darkness of the subconscious with the intention of opening the door to the right mind of peace, love and innocence for All.
To be truly open-minded is to unlock the door in the subconscious that conceals the right mind of revelation. This is where your true Self reside.
Meditation of FAITH
To meditate with FAITH is to undo the wrong mind to discover the right.
Key to Success
You must be forgiving within, deep down, the contents of the subconscious.
True Healing
To truly heal is to dissolve the guilt within that seeks sickness & suffering.
 Truforgiveness TeachingÂ
All prayer is divine, for it is a means for the created to communicate with the Creator. However, instead of begging and pleading for help, when you 'forgive within' you remove the barriers that keep the truth of Perfect Love out of your awareness. When you have love that is whole and holy, you will not be denied. For what is within is seen without.
To meditate with FAITH is to 'forgive within' by following a set of 30 questions that guide you through the cave of confusion to locate the cave of confidence... Perfect Love.