Money Meditations
Money & finance are what you believe them to be. If you project the guilt of sin upon this story in time, then it will be a dark and depressing for you. However, if you extend the truth of love it will be a light and lovely lesson in time. You must change your mind from the wrong to the right for the happy dream in time.
Sneak PeakMoney is Made Within...
The true cause of the lack you have in life projects from some aspect of the belief in separation from Source. And what you think about money is a belief that can be corrected not a knowledge to abide by. The less guilt you hold within the more grace you will know. So clean out the hidden hate and secret sin that sees you suffer instead of being saved.
There is nothing wrong with money, for we are always learning and whether you learn about the light or dark lessons depends upon what mind you reside in... the right or the wrong.
Whatever you are struggling with in relation to money, finances and wealth, start to truly forgive to dissolve the icebergs of guilt that cover the truth of love within, that wills to deliver your good abundant dream in time.