Fear Meditations
The valley of the shadow of death refers to the darkness you must confront to change your mind from the wrong to the right. When life is taxing and tiresome, these shadows of separation project into the dream of time. Behind every cloud of fear is the light of Perfect Love that will lift you above the ego battlefield.
The Truth of Fear...
When you find yourself afraid it is a sure sign that you have forgotten who You truly are: the being of Perfect Love. Do not be fearful of the shadows seen in time. When I came to know that each shadow conceals a gift of grace, I became vigilant to 'forgive within' the fear when it arrived to find the truth of Perfect Love hidden inside. If you spent an hour a day truly forgiving what you fear, you will slowly and surely unknot the darkness that dims your light. And what was once terrifying becomes terrific as you stop learning about the guilt of sin and welcome in the grace of God... Perfect Love.
The safety and security you seek belongs to the right mind, to where The Treasure Map guides you. You follow the FAITH of God and move from separation to sameness, Perfect Love and you will become free from fear. The longer you practice Truforgiveness, over time, the greater the period you get to rest in the right mind. Then, when it is time to clean within, to undo fear to find love, you will be back in the ego-mind and you must once again follow The Treasure Map as you play your part in the Atonement principle.
Do not judge where you are at. Simply truly forgive the darkness when it is dislodged and you will find your way through the nightmare and into the happy dream that precedes spiritual awakening.