The Truforgiveness BlogĀ 
Freed From Suffering a course in miracles testimonial true prayer Aug 23, 2023

I remember when a beautiful gift arrived in my inbox. A student of The Treasure Map, Barchi,...

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No Order of Difficulty a course in miracles happiness true healing Aug 06, 2023

When you change your mind from judgment and attack to the right mind of peace and love, with...

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The Second Coming a course in miracles knowledge miracles Jun 19, 2022

In the workbook of A Course in Miracles (ACIM-W.pll.9), it teaches The Second Coming, and I...

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Words & Symbols a course in miracles awakening healing Jun 06, 2022

Words are but symbols of symbols twice removed. What exactly does this mean? For some it can be...

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Miracles & Magic a course in miracles healing miracles Apr 13, 2022

For those students of A Course in Miracles, you will know that Jesus speaks of both miracles and...

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