Word Hate
Nov 25, 2023
The words you hate, the ones that have a negative impact upon you, are the words you need to clean up from within. From won't to can't and from poor to putrid, whatever word comes to diminish your light, are the ones you need to purify from false to true. Until the remembrance of your perfect, peaceful, powerful Self is remembered.
The naughty names you are called are not true, for darkness belongs to the belief in separation from Source. So take the shadows and purify them from dark to light, as you learn to change your mind from the wrong to the right.
You see, your true words belong to the right mind that knows wholeness, holiness and happiness. Free from the shadows that distort truth. So, take your projections and those of your brothers, and clean up the words from hated to healed, until you are no longer constrained by the thoughts of sin, guilt, and fear. The misperception that you are part and not whole.
Words are but symbols of symbols, thus they are twice removed. What exactly does this mean? Well, it refers to what you harbor within that is attached to the word. For example, to some the word God means greatness for it is filled with light and love. A love so perfect that darkness cannot enter. Yet, to others, the word God is associated with religion that seeks to control and condemn. This is why words are but a symbol of a symbol, for you give the words the meaning they have to you. Another example would be when I was moving through disordered eating. I was in my twenties and wanted my weight to be on the low side. If someone told me that I looked healthy, I was upset. For healthy meant fat to me in my mind. I wanted to be sick, for it meant skinny, which at the time I considered good. Now that I have healed my mind, of course, I love to hear the word healthy. For it means the goodness of grace, filled with balance and beauty, light and love.
You must clean up your words, and the words that trigger you into pain and punishment are what you are being tasked to make new. Another example might be someone that is homosexual and born into a family that goes against this love. They would have to clean up this word, with Truforgiveness, dissolving the darkness that the generations before them had woven into the terminology. Until there is no more hate and true healing takes place.
Words are what you make them to be. They are powerful, but they are most powerful when shared from the right mind of Perfect Love. That is so complete darkness cannot be discovered. Where You remember the Words You share with God that know power, perfection and peace.
Remember, words are powerful for you see without what is within. Yes, you move through what you think. So purify your words from fear to love, and as you change your mind from the wrong to the right, you will chance your picture in time.
If you would like to clean up your words, then dive into The Word Hate Treasure Map Giftbook. And love your words, for they will be filled with grace and not guilt.
The Word Hate Treasure Map Giftbook
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,