Jan 24, 2019
Welcome to The Treasure Map of Truforgiveness, FAITH & the ‘I Forgive’ Principle. I am so happy you are here on this journey and I am looking forward to getting to know you.
Truforgiveness is the maker of miracles. It undoes pain in the present, restoring love to your awareness. It allows you to let go of the guilt of separation, providing freedom from ego fear, as your mind is restored to love. It doesn’t say, “I will forgive but not forget,” for when you have 'forgiven within', you come to know the truth: this world is a dream not your reality. As such, why would you withhold forgiving when it is simply a mistake to be corrected not a sin to be punished?
What seemingly came to hurt you has now helped to heal you. What once was seen as a burden is a blessing. This is why you become thankful to your brothers. For without a brother showing you where it is was you had buried your pain, you would have no way to find where it had been hidden. The Treasure Map has the power to turn the grievance into gratitude – that is how miraculous she is.
Of course, if I honestly believed that the body to be who we truly are, Truforgiveness might be hard to swallow. But as I know our truth to be spiritual, everything that happens in the dream of separation can be a blessing or a curse. It is a blessing if you truly forgive for it will lead you Home – to a state of Oneness with All. And a curse if you get stuck in the story when forgiveness seems the last thing you are willing to grant.
How shall you know when you have truly forgiven? Gone will be the darkness that was covering your glorious sight. No longer will you see guilt or feel pain, for you have arrived at the core of love itself, perfect peace. Behind every grievance you have sits the perfection of love. There is nothing special about this love, for it is unconditional and united in Oneness. It never asks someone to stay for freedom is at the center. It won’t ask for favours or reward of any kind, for it lets go. It allows you to remember that God is and there is nothing else. That this world and all those seeming problems are not real, for only that which is eternal is worthy of being called life.
You see, the illusion of separation that you believe to be life is in fact death. It is where you come to die in the dream of duality, over and over again.
Until you start to climb the ladder of Truforgiveness Home, by backtracking within, all of this is difficult to comprehend, for the last thing the ego wants you to do is to truly forgive. For it knows its demise is certain.
Truforgiveness is when you follow the path of FAITH, digging with the ‘I Forgive’ principle, to place your idols of separation upon the altar to God. In essence, you say to the Father, ‘I will have no other gods before you.’ The only other god you can choose is the ego god, which is an illusion, not truth. So in every moment, you have two choices, God or the ego. One brings you perfection, the latter grants problems.
The Treasure Map will lead you Home – to awaken to your perfect, peaceful, powerful Self. It is a way out of the dream and back to the Home you have never left: Oneness with All.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you on the inside, for it is where we are in truth. If you seek to truly heal and learn via revelation then come into this path to peace granted by God. For miracles are made via practical application, not theology alone.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,