Unwanted Advances
Jan 01, 2024
A long time ago there was a man that wherever I went he was there. As much as I could I did all I could to avoid him. But soon, my boundaries were broken down. For many years I sought to escape from this psychological nightmare. I honestly never thought I would find freedom.
He would often tell me not to play mind-games with him, as he had taught me. I was not doing this. I was simply trying to escape a relationship that continued to tear me down. Until my wings were broken and I could no longer fly.
This is the key. It is not what one does to you, but rather, the chain of events. However, let me be clear. If I had of been standing upon the rock of Perfect Love – the right mind of wholeness and holiness – no matter what was projected my way I would not have taken a tumble. For the light of completion would have cradled me in comfort.
I did finally locate my freedom by changing countries. And I found a love that began to help to put me back together. I surely would have died had I not met this new man.
Throughout the years, I have had a few unwanted advances from men. Where I began to feel extremely uncomfortable. And then, it began to happen again. I recognized the signs. I could now see the fault was within, not without. And so, I went on an inward journey to undo the hate to be healed. As what is within is seen without.
I moved through The Unwanted Advances Treasure Map Workbook. I spent a few weeks cleaning within. Each day, I found I was forgiving the same man. The one that I was growing weary of, as fear was being dislodged. Long forgotten memories of a man seeking to make me his own, when this was not my will were remembered. I was being given a chance to clean up the past to release the future from suffering. For each shadow must be withdrawn and placed upon the altar inside. This allows the return to the right mind of revelation, where God is.
A few days later, after I completed this workbook, this man professed his love. Truth was no longer hidden, and healthy boundaries could be set. You see, until he affirmed what he was thinking, he was free to entertain the idea that the feelings were reciprocated. You might think that this is not a great outcome, but it was what was needed. As I said, to set healthy boundaries and for him to know he had overstepped the mark.
You must allow your wounds to become your wisdom, as you give up the little self of lack, loss, and lovelessness to know you are perfect, peaceful and powerful. Where you are not afraid to speak up, to stand up, to shine your light.
Or perhaps you are the one that is having your advances rejected. If so, you must look within and truly forgive the one you are being denied. Why is this so? Because love does not seek to hurt or harm itself. If you are causing grief to another, you must truly forgive your darkness that you project. By withdrawing your desires you will uncover the light of love within. This light will tell you what to do, where to go and what to say. It will guide you to one that is right for you. The one that is moving through the same lessons in time.
You see, it is time for rejection to be truly forgiven. You need to see rejection for what it is. It is not a refusal to be loved, but rather a refusal to walk the same way. You are here to unlearn fear to find love. The love of perfection, peace and power. And those that are right for you, are the ones that need what you have. For the lesson must be shared in order to be right.
For much of my life I have walked alone. At times this was extremely lonely. I too have moved through periods of rejection. I simply continued to truly forgive it all. Until I went so far into darkness I discovered the light that is concealed underneath the hidden hate and secret sin. Within the pain I found my peace. The peace of Perfect Love that knows sameness, not separateness. The sameness that is not related to the body, but to being. This is what you need do as well. Truly forgive all those you have hurt and the ones that have hurt you. Leave no stone unturned. And if you ever seek to get revenge on another then reach out to someone close to you that can help.
It is time to be kind to one another, as we each seek to undo the belief in differences to know we are the same: the being of Perfect Love that must wake to the truth of innocence for All.
If you would like to complete The Unwanted Advances Treasure Map Workbook, a ten day course to clean up the barriers that are broken, then click on the link to find out more. Allowing you to extend love upon them that is kind and not cruel. By removing the hate you will give up broken for bliss. For the light within seeks true happiness. The knowledge that you are safe and secure.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,