True Healing Miracle
Jan 16, 2024
I wanted to share with you the miracle of The Treasure Map, and how she can change your life by changing your mind.
You might be aware that I have been running a ten day workshop on Healing Relationships with Dad. It is a 'forgiving within' practice to remove the darkness that covers the light. As we work toward closing this group, I wanted to share the miracle with you now. Something that I had completely forgotten about.
As we work through the workbook as a group, a theme develops. I do not know such theme until we are a few days in. The theme was cruelty with dad. A knot of nastiness was being corrected from within for us all.
I do wish that I could share the immense gratitude that I feel for my dad right now with you. Something I had forgotten about. You see, I had a difficult relationship with him. And yet, here I sit, at the end of this group with immense gratitude for this man that I called 'My dad'.
As I too weaved my way through this workbook, undoing the times of cruelty the belief in separation from Source has made, I woke this morning with intense sadness. And so, I went within. For you see, I had been removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence. I had arrived at a gift of grace, that I had long forgot.
I remembered I was in my 30s. It was the eve of my 33rd birthday when my parents received a call from me. I could not leave the house and nor could I get to work. They needed to drive to my apartment and collect me. Something was going wrong with my mind. At this stage I did not know I was sliding into acute post-traumatic stress disorder. So severe was this suffering that my ego-mind eventually crumbled underneath the duress which is what revealed the right mind of revelation. The mind that is still in communication with God, and from where I write the contents of The Treasure Map.
I had read years earlier via Eckhart Tolle that a way to spiritual awakening was trauma, and here I was moving through it. I also knew of the importance of my 33rd birthday, for it is a master number. This was what I was fated to do.
As I continued to descend into a darkness I could never have imagined I told my parents that they would have to leave work and stay with me, as I did not believe I could survive. And the man I never thought would do such a thing gave up his work and his wage to stay beside me for the following four (4) months. Day and night we were together. He even had to sleep beside me, such was the intensity of the nightmares and the flashbacks I was going through.
I tell you now, I would not be here without my dad. I am basking in a peace and love I never knew was possible for dad and I. I see now how deeply he loves me. And that if he had not of been a hard dad I would have been a spoilt brat. Something he did not want to happen.
When my dad passed I heard God speak. He told me that I would not be the compassionate person I am without the lessons my parents gave to me. I needed to be grateful. But you cannot be grateful when you are sitting in pain.
Truth be told, I thought I had found peace with my dad. Until this group. For this peace of Perfect Love I share right now, I have found with my dad. He is not separate, he is the same as me. From the right mind of being, that is.
With each treasure map you complete you move deeper into the light. This is the gift. The remembrance of Perfect Love. She undoes pain to return you to peace. To the right mind of revelation, where God is.
I learned this morning that if it was not for my dad rescuing me when I fell into the valley of the shadow of death, holding me until God appeared, I would not be here with you. Sharing The Treasure Map that has been sent to save from suffering.
You deserve to know the peace of God. It is within you, underneath the hidden hate and secret sin you long ago buried within.
To those that walked this group over the past week and a half, I too hope that you have found the light with your dad. To know that what you moved through was the lesson not the definition. How much your dad loves you, from the right mind that knows sameness, not separateness.
If you are interested in completing The True Healing with Dad Workbook then head to the link to make it your own.
For the others, at the beginning of next month I will be holding a group workshop, True Healing with Mom. So, keep an eye out for this if that is of interest to you.
If you are not 'forgiving within' then you are not truly healing. Concealed deep inside is the truth of your being whole, holy and happy. It is a gift to truly forgive the way that God teaches and it makes miracles your own.
I feel so blessed to be sharing this path with you. And for those that completed the unknotting within these last weeks, go and sit in silence and allow the light of your dad to be returned to your mind. He loves you so very much, a love so deep he is willing to give you the exact lesson you need at this time. The lessons that will assist you to remember the Self that is perfect, peaceful and powerful.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,