The Right-Minded Revelation 

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The Waiting Room

death true healing truth Jul 25, 2024
The Waiting Room

When it comes time to leave this world of seeming separation, there are many ways to go about it. Some go instantly, which is what I am moving through with a loved one. There is no chance to say goodbye or to wrap your arms around for a comforting last cuddle. 

The script is written within before it appears in form. Even when things look accidental, there are no accidents. It was simply their time.

Then you have those that move through illness. They are pained and punished at the end. It is this that could be called The Waiting Room. Where you have a chance to say goodbye. To truly forgive the grievances of guilt you have hidden within. If there are any. To make peace with the person, as they you. Of course, this can also be achieved after they have left their body. But having a chance to know a clean connection before the body passes, is an amazing gift.

Some are not taken swiftly, but there is still separation. They might be in a different country or the shadows of darkness keep you away for some reason, from the one that is preparing to leave. They too are in a waiting room, where you have a chance to connect with them via the right mind. To remove the shadows they are being pained and punished by. You must learn to truly pray for them, by undoing the darkness that dims their light. It is this The Treasure Map grants.

It was in the early noughties, when I was beginning to learn about The Treasure Map. I was in mediation, when I was taken out of my body and through different portals that took me into different times. On one such occasion I knew I was in the future and I watched a young lady sitting beside the bedside of her dad. He was dying in a hospital room. His date was set. She was beside him. I could hear her thinking. She kept on repeating these weird 'I forgive....' statements that did not make sense. There was no rhyme or reason as to how I could explain this song of prayer that she was singing silently. My spiritual guide was behind me. I remember trying to turn backward to see whom he was. He would not allow this. He simply told me that she was offering her love in the only way she could. To a man that had abused her throughout her life. This song of prayer is what will become known as The Treasure Map.

With The Waiting Room, you have a chance to truly forgive the one you love, that may or may not be ready to depart. To unknot the nastiness to know the Oneness You share in the name of being not body. Besides, your true prayers may offer a release and healing occurs of the body, they may then decide to stay. But this is not the goal. The goal is always peace of mind. The return to the right mind of completion.

I had The Waiting Room with my dad. I had 5 weeks to get prepared to no longer see his body in time. The love remains, if you can truly forgive the blame and shame to become released from suffering. It is this that I did for us. I would be mentally drawing up my treasure maps. To be honest, I was trying to save him with them. But in the end, I am certain his date of death was drawn closer because when you truly forgive with FAITH you undo the chapters of suffering you need to review. It is a true prayer, declaring innocence. So, do not waste your time in The Waiting Room, when it is shown for you. Whether it is yourself waiting, or you are there to support another, be completing your treasure maps. To change your mind from the wrong to the right. This teaches that you are not the body, that You are in fact being. And it is awakening you truly seek, not immortality of the body.

The Waiting Room must be respected. For you have a chance to say goodbye. So, say what you need to say, and truly forgive the pain, punishment, and problems. This is how you truly heal, and move out of the darkness and into the light. And if you have a loved one that is there, show up for them. Be there as a support. Make them important for the time they have left. For you can only grieve where guilt has been found.

Personally, I am back in darkness. I know, I teach blame is the outward projection of an inward condition, but right now, I am stuck in this shadow. I cannot deny this blame of devastation, even if I know the true cause of my suffering is the mistaken belief I have left God to play god in time. And whilst from the right mind I know it is but a dream, I am back in the shadows of separation. I no longer have my best friend beside me, because of the actions. This I cannot deny. However, I must find a way out of this blame and shame and back into the right mind of revelation. Where being is true not bodily-identification.

The story of separation cannot be denied. It must be looked upon and truly forgiven to become free from. And whilst the passing of my loved one was imminent, as God revealed to me in the days following.... "Two families have now been destroyed." And whilst I cannot tell you what is happening within this other family, as I cannot bring myself to speak with them, such is the tragedy that I find myself in, I know that my own life has taken such a deep dive. My true function now is to get myself out of the shadows of separation and into the light. However, it is a process. It does not happen overnight, and the darker the lesson, the greater the chance of inner illumination you have.

I share this now, simply to teach you the way. I have been knocked out of the right mind - from where I teach - and back into the wrong mind. Simply because my "everything" has been taken from me. Two decades prior, I would have denied this darkness. Swept it within. Saying all is fine. For that is what a good spiritual person does. This is what the ego has taught. This simply keeps you bound to the darkness, placing a fake perception over the swirling sadness and sorrow within.

I, and you, must be brave enough to look at the hidden hate and secret sin concealed within. To clean it up to uncover once more the right mind of peace and love. This is the true healing. Moving through the darkness, truly forgiving it all, to reclaim the light. In fact, last night, anger surfaced. Unfairness. Unjust. My body was shaking in fury. From top to toe. And so I let it. I let it out. Long stored energy that was once not allowed to be spoken. I found myself screaming at the top of my lungs. I was ropable as what I had lost. I was obviously stuck in the shadows of separation. This is not a bad thing, for underneath the darkness is the light of sameness, Perfect Love.

You must make your way through the valley of the shadow of death - the subconscious mind - to uncover the right mind that is where truth, trust and totality reside. It is not a clean journey. You will get dirty as you look upon the ideas of sin, guilt, and fear. But the release from terror (the wrong mind of ego thinking) is absolutely worth it.

Later that night I heard someone in spirit, "Calm down. It was always meant to be this way." I get this. But I am not in my right mind. I am stuck in the suffering of loss. For this loss has been my greatest to date. For he was my own spiritual teacher. That came to see me in form.

My task today is to forgive myself for my outburst. And continue to clean within with FAITH, until I can undo this darkness of separation that has been disturbed. To move back into the right mind of wholeness, holiness and happiness. Where lack, loss, and limitation is no more. Where it reveals it is a story of suffering, not a death of definition.

When I reclaim the right mind I will find my beloved within. Where there is no separation or sin. No blame or shame. I am not there now. It is a process. But the gains I receive will be worth the work. It is this I ask you do as well.

Seek not to deny the darkness. Instead, look upon it, truly forgive it, to become free from it.

You too must cross through the darkness within to reclaim the light. It is a constant mind-correction from wrong to right. And the more light you reclaim the longer you get to rest in the mind that is still as God created: Perfect, peaceful and powerful.

Do not judge the journey. For to do so is to chain yourself to the wrong mind.

Clean within with FAITH and you will find your way through the darkness and into the light. And in case you do not know. FAITH is how you truly forgive by completing your treasure maps (your true prayers).

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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