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The Metaphor

heaven prayer sin Jan 24, 2019
Truforgiveness: The Pleading Prayer

I ran away. Far, far away from you Father,” cried the Son. A deep stone had been unturned. “I ran away because I sinned against the One that had loved me the most. No one adored me the way you did,” he pleaded. “Your wholeness completed me and I felt like I had betrayed Heaven itself.”

Tears streamed down his face. The pain buried long ago had been stirred, an ancient hurt almost lost forever, now being remembered. Not only did he run away from God, but he also tried to throw away the memory of his truth as well. For the pain was too much to bear.

With each step further away I went, the faster I began to run. For fear of what I had done. And so, I got lost, with new each dawn, the guilt grew even darker.” He ran into the forest of fear, each jump he took, the pain within ached harder. Nothing he did could ease the discomfort, why would it, when he had thrown away his One true love? He searched frantically for ways to fill the valley of darkness, to heal the void within his mind, but nothing worked. Punishment stalked him, when the guilt of what he had done circled like a hawk. He believed he had thrown God away, the One that gave him everything. He was the ungrateful child. And when he did run, he lost who he was. For without God he was nothing.

Father, I ran from you because I was afraid. You had given me everything, and I sinned against You. I wanted all glory to be my own. I secretly desired your throne.” He cried as he was perched on his knees in prayer.

God felt his remorse, but knew that what He created could never be separate.
He would never lose the Son He created.

"My Precious Child, please do not be afraid, for I would never leave you.” God’s Perfect Love filled his body. The tension of tears softened, and his deep desire to return to the truth of wholeness & holiness that only knows of goodness was made clear. Tears kept streaming, for his pain was evident. The Father had not forgotten the Son.

It seems that I was gone but I was always with you, watching every moment the belief in sin came to taunt as you dreamt of death. I held you close when I could see the pain of punishment. I wanted to intervene, but I did not wish to frighten. For you were running from me. I waited for you to return, knowing that one day you would wake.” God whispered His melody of Perfect Love. “It was a dream my Child and when you awaken I will be your All. I would never leave you. Even if you think you have sinned against Heaven, you will always be my innocent Child that I bless, for we are One not part.”

What do you mean, dream?” he questioned back. “It is not real my Child. You are dreaming a dream that separation from Perfect Love is in fact possible, and that death can destroy. But I am your loving Father and nothing can touch your perfect being. For what I create can have no end.”

“What is happening?” he asked confused still. “You are waking to truth,” God granted. “Peace will protect you, love will lift you and blessings will be bestowed upon you. Do not fear my Child, for Perfect Love is what is calling you Home.” He fell to the floor. Tears of sorrow turning miraculously into waterfalls of gratitude. He understood now that God is all there is, so when you do not have God, you actually have nothing. “Thank you my Father, for always being greater than me.”

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,

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