The Right-Minded Revelation 

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The 'I Forgive' Principle

forgiveness true healing truforgiveness May 16, 2024
The 'I Forgive' Principle

Let's face it: many promise results, but they just don't deliver. But that is all about to change...

Let me introduce you to the 'I Forgive' Principle that sees you mentally digging inside the subconscious mind to find the true cause of the complaint you face. For the problem always stems from some aspect of the misperception you are sinful of separating from Source and thus seek to be pained and punished.

No one is doing anything to you. For there is One Mind that has spilt from reality (Perfect Love) and has fallen asleep. It is this split-mind that dreams that death in duality is true. It's not without, but rather within. For projection makes perception. 


Every issue you face, stems from what is within. You have the power to change the cause - by completing your treasure maps and following the true FAITH of God - which is simply miraculous. No longer do you have to remain helpless or powerless, for you shall be granted the key of Truforgiveness that will unlock the secret to the ages. This world is not being done to you, but rather you are doing this unto yourself.

The 'I Forgive' Principle provides a treasure map to find the true cause and as you forgive within you remove the veil of guilt that distorts true perception. This is how miracles are made, for as you change your mind from the wrong to the right you see anew.


It is the 'I Forgive' principle that allows you to mentally dig through the subconscious mind to open the door from the wrong mind of separation to reclaim the right mind of sameness. Where your being whole, holy and happy reside.


Remember, 'I forgive is the doorway to the I Am.' For the 'I Am' belongs to the right mind of completion. The right mind is your voice of intuition, your truth, and your true function in time is to remove the barriers that keep the presence of your being Perfect Love concealed from your awareness.

So, how do you truly heal with the 'I Forgive' principle. You must take your awareness deep into the subconscious mind and apply 'I forgive...' to each layer presented. If you continue to wipe clean each layer and keep going deeper down, you will eventually open the door to the right mind of revelation, where the 'I Am' and the 'I Love' principles hold true.

All the love you seek can be found within. Hidden underneath the darkness of the subconscious mind the wrong mind of ego thinking tells you not to look upon.

Try it yourself. Seek not to maintain ego consciousness with your awareness in the brain, but instead to unknot the darkness inside the subconscious - that you see without - to reclaim the right mind. The mind that is still in constant communication with God.

Everything you desire is inside. Inside the right mind where truth, trust and totality reside. Now, how do you know you have reclaimed the right mind. Your awareness sits in the lower gut of the body, where safety, security, stillness and success is known. Yes, no longer is my own awareness in the brain. It is in the lower gut, which is why I am in constant communication with God.

Complete your treasure maps, as you too learn to change your mind from wrong to right.

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Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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