Words Are But Symbols
Oct 01, 2021
For students of A Course in Miracles, the Course speaks of words being symbols of symbols, twice removed. What exactly does this mean? Well, you have the right mind of peace and love, where the Thoughts You share with God can be found. These are true, as well as positive. For they know the completion of Oneness; Perfect Love. So, this is the first symbol.
You then have the subconscious mind, and the dark layers of sin, guilt, and fear the belief in separation from Source has made. Depending upon what you have hidden within this cave of confusion will determine the words you speak and what they mean to you. This is why we each see a different picture in time, or hear something that another does not, for it is interpreted by what you conceal within.
Thus, words are but a symbol of a symbol - and are clouded by what you have inside. A word cleaned up has no negative charge to it, for it is not true to the right mind of revelation, that knows peace, love and innocence for All. For you extend the light of Perfect Love without and hear the truth of God. From here, the words of the ego-mind hold no relevance. For you have made the right mind of wholeness and holiness your home.
When the Course refers to the split-mind it refers to the split of the subconscious that covers the right mind of being, making you believe you are the wrong mind of ego thinking.
You must learn to clean up the idea you are sinful of separating from Source. The darkness in the subconscious mind. To reclaim the right mind that is still in constant communication with God. Where the true and positive Thoughts You share with Him can be found.
You see, the ego-mind does not know what you need. For example, it prays for a new job. 'Please God. Please bring me a new job. I hate what I am doing and I am not valued.' Being chained to darkness you cannot know truth when you make perception your home. Yet, when you forgive within with The Treasure Map, which is your true prayer you come to know the true symbol you seek. This is granted via the right mind.
'I forgive my need to have a new job. I forgive hating my job. I forgive not wanting to work where I am. I forgive not wanting to work where I am. I forgive the need to not be where I am. I forgive wanting to change jobs. I forgive hating my job. I forgive hating my job. I forgive hating who I work with. I forgive hating myself. I forgive the need to not hate myself. I forgive the need to love myself and get myself a better job. I forgive loving and valuing myself. I forgive the need to love and value myself and allow myself to have a better job. I forgive my better job. I forgive my better job. I forgive myself for having a great job.'
Can you see this mind-correction? This is what the Course is referring to. The ego-mind is seeking a better job. Where they are loved and valued. Yet, the true cause of the crappy job and not being valued is the self-hate within that is being projected without. When you dissolve the darkness inside you will reclaim the light and know what you truly seek. In this case, they are seeking to love themselves and it is this that will grant a better job with love and respect. As what is within is seen without.
Find the true symbol within the right mind, extend this light without, and you will be happy with the picture painted in time.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,