Spiritual Awareness
Dec 09, 2023
What the ego tells you is your problem never is. For the cause has been concealed deep inside. For example, if you find yourself hated in time then you must withdraw this shadow to uncover what you hate yourself for. More than likely, you will be taken deep within to discover the true case of hate. You hate God for being the Creator and not the created. It was simply a thought to be corrected not a sin to be punished. From when the Son of God wanted to be the Father and not the Child. A thought that needed to be truly forgiven not made real. This is what saw part of the Mind of the Son to split and fall asleep. As such, this is what the duality of death is. The dream you need wake from not be defined by. Whatever happens, withdraw the shadows you see without to uncover the light of Perfect Love that was once concealed from your awareness. And as you change your mind from the wrong to the right, miracles will be made. You will remove the veil of guilt in the subconscious that keeps you trapped to lack, loss, and lovelessness, to remember the right mind You share with God. That knows wholeness, holiness and happiness. It is here your perfect, peaceful, powerful Self can be found. From negative noise to forgotten friends, truly forgive what you have concealed inside to be released from the suffering the belief in separation from Source has made.
To be spiritually aware is to know the right mind that is Home to truth, trust and totality. Do not settle for the wrong mind of ego thinking and the false teaching that it grants. For the wrong mind perceives form and the right mind knows spirit.
To be spiritually aware is to know the right mind of revelation. You see, the wrong mind of separation and specialness has set out to deceive you. It has taken what great teachers of the past have shared and interpreted it for its own gain. Then each ego agrees that this must be truth. This is simply the ego witnessing unto itself. When I moved through this, I was shocked. I arrived at an ACIM study group, after years of working directly with God, I listened to one teacher read the passage. Then it was interpreted. When I offered the revelation from the right mind, the truth was rejected by all. Yes, each ego that was at this table assured me that I was wrong, for they all had the same meaning. You must be careful of false prophets, for this is something the ego loves to do. For the ego seeks to keep you bound to its thought system so it maintains existence.
The truth of FAITH has been revealed by God. It takes you from the wrong mind to the right, which is where God can be found. You must forgive within, truly forgiving each layer presented with the 'I Forgive' principle, as you give up guilt for grace. Follow The Treasure Map as you place your idols of separation upon the altar and the door from dark to light will open. This is how you purify your thinking from false to true which will eventually lead to knowledge. The answers you seek are within so clean out the fear to find love and you will not be lost but found.
If you would like to complete The Spiritual Awareness True Prayer, which includes a series of 30 questions for you to move through, morning and evening, allowing 10 minutes each time, then head to the link to make this prayer your own. As you begin to receive guidance from the right mind of revelation, where the truth of God is. And if you prefer to journal, this can be done as well. Just grab your journal and begin the automatic writing of the 'I Forgive' principle, allowing for 90+ minutes to complete it this way.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,