Needing Help
Dec 03, 2023
When you are lost and alone, scared and confused, pained and punished, it is because you have chosen the wrong mind of judgment and attack to be your truth in time. Concealed deep within is the right mind of peace and love that is in constant communication with the divine. Where the Knowledge of God can be found. Where there is no lack, loss, or lovelessness. What you need help with is what you must truly forgive by cleaning up from within. For it is the darkness inside the subconscious mind - the guilt of sin and separation - that seeks the ways of punishment.
The help you need belongs to the right mind of revelation. Free from the guilt inside it does not seek to hurt or to harm you. So clean up your hidden hate and secret sin that keeps the right mind of wholeness, holiness and happiness hidden from your awareness.
Every answer you need is within, but this belongs to the right mind of wholeness, holiness and happiness, where the light of Perfect Love reside. For the truth of love, not the special love of ego thinking, seeks to grant your happy dream in time. You must dissolve the darkness to reclaim the light. This is how you truly heal. However, the darkness cannot be ignored, it must be cleaned up. Truly forgiven with The Treasure Map to move from hollow to whole.
The truth of FAITH has been revealed by God. It takes you from the wrong mind to the right, which is where God can be found. You must forgive within, truly forgiving each layer presented with the 'I Forgive' principle, as you give up guilt for grace. Follow The Treasure Map as you place your idols of separation upon the altar and the door from dark to light will open. This is how you purify your thinking from false to true which will eventually lead to knowledge. For the answers you seek are within so clean out the fear to find love and you will not be lost but found.
All prayer is divine. For it is a means of communication with the created to the Creator. However, do not be content to pray as the ego teaches. Begging and pleading. Whilst this type of prayer to God is fine to begin, you have the power of Perfect Love concealed inside. When you locate the safety and security of sameness, Oneness, you will not be denied. For it is the guilt within that seeks pain and punishment in time. Your treasure map removes the guilt that reinforces the idea in separation. So, as you clean up the darkness you see anew. For the light of the right mind shines in completion, granting peace, positivity and perfection.
Truth be told, I find myself moving through a range of prayers – from a call for help (an ego prayer), a true prayer (The Treasure Map), and a power prayer (a gift of devotion to God). Make God a priority in your mind and you will discover what a priority You are to Him. And when you reclaim the right mind of revelation you will be in constant communication with the One that is greater than any other.
If you would like to complete your true prayer on Help then head to the link below to find out more. Whilst this true prayer consists of a series of 30 questions to take you deeper into the subconscious mind, allowing for ten (10) minutes morning and evening, it can be completed as a journaling activity. If so, please allow for 90+ minutes to do the automatic writing of the 'I Forgive' principle.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,