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My Guilt-Free Grace

happiness healing meditation Jul 27, 2024
My Guilt-Free Grace

I wanted to introduce you to my mat... my PEMF (light) yoga mat... well, for now, it is more like my infrared heated Truforgiveness meditation miracle.

Have you heard of a PEMF mat? I must say, I absolutely love this. And whilst you can complete yoga upon them, I have transferred mine right now into my heated meditation pad. I get the scented oil diffuser running, play a treasure map meditation and truly heal. Not only mind my but my body. Relaxation overload. In fact, it is now what I look forward to the most these days.

After I do my morning chores, I heat the mat up for 30 minutes to get it to 80℃. Then I lock myself away for the next hour. This morning I completed The Shine Bright Treasure Map Meditation, with the sun shining into the room.

PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) is meant to ground you in earth’s magnetic field for a full-body reset, while infrared’s deeply penetrating heat increases circulation. Now, I am not an expert on this technology. I cannot advise you what to do. This is what is correct for me at this time. And I made sure to truly forgive my mat before I made this purchase. Allowing the right mind to choose correctly for me.

In fact, this mat arrived a few months ago. Just before I moved into another time of trauma for me to clean up. So, my hour to repair myself daily has been woven with heat, to say the least.

If you are looking for a guilt free grace, then perhaps you might like to try a PEMF mat and a Truforgiveness meditation, just as I am doing? I have based my mat in the shed. This is my current set up. It is now what I look forward to the most each day. My chance to forgive within to reclaim the right mind, where God is.

Yes, I have a set time to meet God each morning. A date with the divine. Do you have a set time to spend with God each day?

As I am not a specialist in PEMF mats, I have not included more details of them, or where you can get your own. If you are looking into them, do your research, and trust your inner voice. For what is right for one, does not make it so for another.

What do you do that you look forward to each day? Do you love yourself enough to take good care of yourself? Do you have a date with God? If yes, what is it? If not, then why not?

Some thoughts for you to purify today.

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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