Miraculous Possibility
Dec 14, 2023
A miracle is a change in perception from fear to love. This means a return to the right mind of wholeness and holiness from the wrong mind of judgment and attack (the ego-mind). Yes, when you come to understand there are two minds, and thus two thought systems, true spirituality becomes easier to know. For whilst you are trapped in the thought system of sin, separation, sorrow, and specialness, you will not know the true and positive Thoughts You share with God. For they belong to the right mind of revelation. Gratefully, this is why God has granted the truth of His FAITH. That if followed correctly and completed via The Treasure Map, will open the door in the subconscious that once kept the right mind of wholeness & holiness concealed from your awareness.
Just because you are told something does not make it true. You must learn to become free from the ego thought system that is home to lack, loss, and limitation, to reclaim the true & positive Thoughts You share with God that are Home to precious peace and luscious love.
As you begin to purify your thinking via ‘forgiving within’ you will unknot the darkness that keeps you bound to the thought system of sin, guilt, and fear. That teaches you are the body born to die. Slowly and gently, you will see whispers of the Thoughts You share with God. And then you will find yourself back in the wrong mind of judgment and attack. It is a constant mind-correction, as you stop the shadows (the belief in separation from Source has made) from continuing to project into time. This then allows the right mind to extend love, which is what grants the happy dream that precedes spiritual awakening.
The Treasure Map is truly miraculous. However, you must not blame another for what you move through, no matter what. For if you had not chosen to be the sinful separated and judged yourself for leaving wholeness and holiness (God’s Perfect Love) then you could not be hurt nor harmed. You see, we each have a set amount of darkness we are asked to clean up from within. I have been moving through the shadows since I was a small child. Believing at times that they would destroy me, which they very nearly did. Yet, I needed to move through my own darkness at a faster rate, to allow me to shine the light of Oneness and to teach others how to reclaim the right mind, which is what the miracle is about. Return to the right mind and you will no longer be limited by the ideas of the wrong mind. As well as the shadows of suffering your brothers and sisters will project upon you. For when you extend light in the truth of completion it forms a barricade keeping you safe and secure from the pain and problems the belief in separation from Source has made.
Go within, deep within, to find your own miraculous possibility. Simply by truly forgiving the layers in the subconscious with the ‘I Forgive’ principle that keep you bound to being nothing. Step into the presence of the right mind where your being perfect, peaceful and powerful holds true. Then watch the miracles unwrap, for you have given up your call to be punished.
The miracle you seek to find must be granted by the right mind for it to be so. For the right mind has the power to make your impossible dream, possible.
What possibility are you searching to find? What would be a miracle to you? What is the divine guidance you are seeking to find?
If you would like to dive into The Miraculous Possibility Treasure Map Giftbook then click on the link to find out more.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,