Miracle 23
Apr 01, 2022
For those of you that are A Course in Miracles students, I am currently working through The 50 Miracle Principles that can be found in Chapter One of the Course. And so, I thought I would explain one of them to you now.
Miracle 23
Miracles rearrange perception and place all levels in true perspective.
This is healing because sickness comes from confusing the levels.
What exactly does this mean?
There are two minds, the wrong mind of ego-identification and the right mind that knows being is true not bodily-identification. As Jesus tells us, a miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love, from the wrong mind to the right. You must forgive within, with The Treasure Map to change your mind from dark to light. To tap on the layers of darkness in the subconscious mind, until the door opens to reveal the right mind that was hidden from your awareness. By changing your mind from the wrong to the right you move from false perception to true. For you have removed the veil of guilt hidden deep within the subconscious mind that covered this right mind that will interpret what you are seeing correctly.
Here is the example. When I was in the wrong mind of ego, I saw people as being separate from me. Some, I would see as innocent and some as guilty. As I extended light and projected the misperception of guilt that is experienced as fear. Yet, when I started to wake to locate this right mind (that the significance of it is often overlooked within the Course), my sight was restored to that of a Child... innocence. For I had undone the belief in sin, the idea of separation, to know we are the same, not different. Because I changed my mind from the wrong to the right I saw things differently. No longer do I see a sin to be punished, but rather a mistake to be truly forgiven. But you must know this, you cannot perceive it from the wrong mind.
When you confuse your mind, thinking the wrong mind is who you are, you will know sin, sickness, separation, and suffering. You must change levels. To find the lowly position that Jesus spoke of in the bible, that related to the right mind hidden deep within the darkness of the subconscious mind. This is the cave you fear to look, yet it hides your true treasure. The remembrance of the innocent Mind. And by changing your mind, not from the conscious mind and thinking thoughts of good, but by finding the loving and kind Thoughts You share with God that can be accessed in the right mind, you have undone the guilt within which is what seeks for sickness and suffering.
You must find the lowly position, the right mind hidden deep within the subconscious, and to do this, you follow the FAITH of God, which is how you truly forgive. To free yourself from the ego delusion of sin, guilt, and fear. This is how you truly heal, by changing your mind and purifying thinking, for you must have truly forgiven the darkness within to locate this right mind of peace and love. And by finding the light of love inside you then extend this outward. And as what is within is seen without, your perception corrects from false to true.
You cannot wake until you have correctly purified thinking and know truth. God did not create You to die, but to live in the name of wholeness not separateness.
If you want to know more about these principle then head to my store to find out more.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,