Lost Love
Nov 29, 2023
Love cannot ever be lost, even though the eyes witness it so. For the truth of love, Perfect Love, belongs to being not body. Whether you have lost a loved one through death or disease or through accident or adultery, whatever the lesson is, truly forgive it all. For the presence of Perfect Love has been concealed underneath the grievances of guilt you bury inside. The dark clouds of confusion in the subconscious cover the truth of the right mind that knows wholeness and holiness, where lack, loss, and lovelessness cannot be experienced. You must undo the misperception you are sinful of separating from Source to know an act of love cannot be taken from you. It sits within in the truth of innocence for All and waits for you to remember being rather than body.
God is not cruel, He is kind. He did not create form, for the dream of death is what you must wake from, not be defined by. We all must go back Home, to the place of Perfect Love, where we belong. The world of form and the body is the teaching device through time. So truly forgive all the shadows you confront and as you clean up the mess within you will remember the light. Only love is real, all else an illusion.
When I lost a great love through death, it was painful. God told me to stop connecting through ego to those around me and instead face the grief front on. Dissolving the shadows daily when they appeared. This allowed me to find my loved one in the right mind that knows not of sin, separation, and suffering. This is from where love cannot be lost, stolen, or destroyed. From the right mind that knows Oneness, not separateness. Find the love within and all else shall follow, as you build your home upon the rock of Perfect Love.
I would like to add, after my loved one passed, and I had moved through the grieving process. I had a dream about them. I was granted information about them that I was not consciously aware of whilst they were in form. I was furious. Filled with hate. I later confirmed through friends that this information was correct. I had been badly betrayed. It was now time to clean up this shadow that was concealed within a long time ago. Do not fear this process, for each ray of guilt must be withdrawn within to uncover the light that grants true healing. The return to the right mind of wholeness, holiness and happiness.
If you are moving through grief, seek not to bury it. Clean it up from within. Take rest and allow what surfaces to move through you to be forgotten. You must be brave enough to feel it, truly forgive it, to become free from the suffering. This is how you shall become saved from the wrong mind that teaches sickness and specialness.
If you would like to truly pray for peace with a lost love, then perhaps this true prayer is right for you. You will be granted a series of 30 questions to ensure you remove the darkness that covers your light. Ideally, allow for ten (10) minutes morning and evening to clean up this pain to find peace.
Enjoy the journey within. For the love you seek is inside, underneath the darkness you bury and hide.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,