Kindness & Care
Nov 29, 2023
To be kind is to be truly forgiving to withdraw the projections of guilt you place upon another. Kindness relates to gentleness, where you extend love without. To be kind is to stop projecting darkness. For darkness covers your light from the right mind that knows truth, trust and totality. When you project your suffering you place a cloak of cruelty around another, dispelling their light.
If you are a parent, raising children, you must learn to undo your worries and concerns for you throw shade upon the one you are meant to lead. What you fear you must truly forgive to locate the light within that is kind and not cruel. You have the power to change your life, and those around, so stop complaining, start truly forgiving, for this allows you to decrease the suffering from projecting further into time. If you have a child, or someone that you love, and they seem to be going the wrong way in life, this means they are drowning in darkness, for the light within knows the good and great lessons in time. You must start to clean them up from within. Withdrawing the shadows, they are suffering under. Truly pray for them, morning and night, dissolving the darkness, reminding them they are innocent and have no need to be pained or punished. And whilst you cannot consciously control your thinking this will also offer you peace of mind that what is meant to be, will be.
The ego-mind will never be truly kind for it is always looking out for itself. Even the ones that seem to be a doormat to others. They too are receiving something, even if it is the need to be punished for the misperception they are guilty of leaving God to play god in time. You must locate the right mind that will guide you through time. If someone seeks to hurt and harm themselves the right mind might guide you to walk away. Not to help. For to do so might end up injuring you both. This is something the ego-mind cannot understand. Remember, the ego-mind does not know what anything is for and is also intent to keep you away from the right mind so you do not wake to truth. You are innocent for all you have done was to fall asleep and dream that separation from Source was true. Whilst the one you seem to walk away from might seek to hurt themselves, you throw no shade their way. You do not judge the lesson or gossip about the event. You truly forgive with God's FAITH, undoing the need for them to be pained and punished. This might then allow the right person to come forth that can help them. It is granted from the right mind that seeks kindness, for it extends love from the mind that knows we are One, not many.
If you are giving your time and energy to someone, then speaking poorly about them when not in their sight, you are not being kind. For you are continuing to allow the projection of guilt to continue into time. Do not make the story true. Instead, withdraw the darkness, stripping it back to extend love, and assist to wake your brothers and sisters to truth. Innocence is real, not perceived sin.
If you seek to be kinder, then perhaps The Kindness & Care True Prayer is right for you. In this true prayer, you will have a series of 30 questions that you are to complete morning and evening. I would suggest you allow ten (10) minutes to complete this forgiving within. As you remove the darkness you project upon another.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,