Left or Right
Mar 09, 2021
The Treasure Map is here to undo judgment. A judgment is a separating thought that belongs to the wrong mind of ego thinking. This is the true cause of every lack, limitation, and lovelessness that you seem to experience as the body in time.
There are two minds, thus there are two thought systems. You must learn to escape the ego thought system of sin, guilt, and fear to remember the Thoughts You share with God. These belong to the right mind. And it is this that grants the happy dream in time.
For those that are still aligned to the voice of littleness that runs through consciousness, this will be difficult to comprehend, as hidden deep within under the separating thoughts is the right mind of peace and love. From here, where judgment cannot come is the gift of Oneness. It fills you with the truth of Perfect Love so complete that fear cannot enter. This includes escape from every lack the belief in separation from Source has made. You have no idea of just how great this is.
Gone are the incessant thoughts that once swirled through my ego-mind. Instead, I get to bask in the peace of God (the right mind). A bubble of Perfect Love surrounds me, and even when there appears to be lack on the level of form I do not ache in it. You can have this too if you become vigilant to 'forgive within' as God teaches and not the ego.
Lack comes from the choice to be separate instead of the same (Perfect Love).
Yet, whilst we seem to be in the land of time, we must make choices as we move about. In reality, there are only ever two choices: God or the ego. Once you choose the ego - the belief in specialness - it seems you have a myriad of choices you can make. But this is not true, for the ego-mind is the effect of what is concealed within.
The ego represents the belief that separation from Source is true. And it is the ego that judges, not your true Self: the being of Perfect Love.
When you judge you make true the belief in separation - the ego - and let go of the connection to Oneness that is here for the innocent Mind. As soon as you find yourself in judgment you must withdraw the shadow by truly forgiving it via the process of FAITH. This is the true way to forgive that moves you from problem to peace. Judgment cannot be denied by painting thoughts of positivity upon them. You must become vigilant to undo every separating thought that you have made to return to your truth of Perfect Love. This is where you choose God again.
Then you have discernment, for Truforgiveness does not mean you will be a doormat to ego abuse. For example, if you welcome someone into your space and they continue to project their pain and punishment your way, by offloading their problems, you truly forgive it. As it is your true function. Yet, if they continue to do so, at some stage you might decide to put some space between you both - physically. As long as you do not judge and continue to hold the truth of sameness within, you are still at One with them. Yet, to the ego it might appear as though they have been rejected.
Do not buy into the ego labels, instead, truly forgive each ray of darkness that appears for you. This could be called cleaning within and by discovering your light you will see this without.
Many years ago now when I was fresh from a long-term relationship I was out with friends. I met a man. He seemed lovely and sweet and just what I needed to take my mind off the heartbreak that I was going through. As we chatted, he made a dark comment to me, "I could never date a woman that was over 50 kilos." I looked back at him. He made another comment along the lines that I wouldn't need to worry as I was obviously way less than his 50 kilo cut off. He was meaning to give me a compliment, but as he did not know me, he did not know the story of suffering. He was unaware that I had lost more weight due to my heartbreak. He was also unaware that I had weighed more than 50 kilograms at another time and might so in the future. At that moment, I made a discernment. This man would be no good for my mental health. I wasn't judging him. That was what he wanted and liked; thin was in. I was wanting to be loved, for who I was not what I looked like. And so, I excused myself and got up from the table and left.
A judgment is a wrong-minded thought. Discernment is right-minded. In truth, this man was me, for Oneness is true not separateness. As long as I make discernment and do not judge, then I do not cut myself off from the truth of love, Perfect Love.
I got up nicely from this conversation, after ten or twenty minutes, as I knew in that moment I could not risk damaging myself anymore. I was unwilling to be with someone that would give me up based upon a number. My value was not tied into my weight anymore, and in this moment this man allowed me to see I was worth more than that.
A judgment is a projection. Discernment is the opposite. It is a withdrawal. It does not blame as it does not make true.
Do not judge your story. Truly forgive it all and decide which way you shall travel. To go wrongly is to judge. To go rightly is to forgive within and discern. Listen to the inner voice and when you cannot get freedom from the darkness you move through, know it is because you have not truly forgiven.
Whom have you judged harshly today? What is the lesson this shadow has to offer you? What is a positive discernment you can make about yourself that will offer true healing?
Enjoy your day.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,