The Right-Minded Revelation 

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Freed From Suffering

a course in miracles testimonial true prayer Aug 23, 2023

I remember when a beautiful gift arrived in my inbox. A student of The Treasure Map, Barchi, sent me a video testimonial of her experience. As she mentioned to me, she wanted to assist to help others to try this gift from God themselves.

I smiled within. I was truly grateful. I had said a prayer to God myself only a few days earlier, asking for support of this work. My answer appeared immediately. 

When you truly pray from the right mind of peace and love, you miraculously manifest, as you utilize the power of Oneness within, which is the Mighty Companion that A Course in Miracles speaks of. 

It was in 2018 when I first met Barchi online. And I have a thoughtful story to share with you. She jumped into this work and offered less than delightful feedback. She mentioned something along the lines that I had a beautiful message to share with the world, yet I was wrapping it up in brown paper, which was uninviting. You see, I had had this map to miracles for quite some time before I was willing to even share it with anyone. So, I was still keeping it hidden. I hadn't yet come across Kajabi - the online platform that I use to present my material to you now - but I knew she spoke the truth. So, I set out to repackage as I worked on freeing (truly forgiving) this baby I birthed with God. 

I can tell you until I am blue in the face that The Treasure Map makes miracles. I know this, as it has completely transformed from the depths of despair and awoken me to the happy dream that is here for the innocent Mind. It took me some time to understand that my lack of Truforgiveness was what was causing my suffering. When this is understood by you, every shadow that appears before you becomes a gift of grace. For it allows you to remove the veil of guilt that distorts the truth of Perfect Love that those with innocent vision witness to. 

Yet here, Barchi showed up unaware of the teachings of A Course in Miracles, yet she speaks of what occurs when you follow the mind-correction from fear to love, you find the truth of peace within. Freedom from the ego judgment and attack, the separating thoughts that are the true cause of the suffering you find in time. When you undo the guilt within your subconscious mind, you stop looking for ways to hurt yourself. It is the guilt from the misperception in separation that hurts you. When you give it up, by forgiving within, you discover the truth of God's grace - Perfect Love. 

This is what you do not understand. It is never what another does to you, but your decision to no longer be Perfect Love that hurts you. This is the true cause of every pain or problem you seem to experience in the dream of time. Perfect Love cannot be hurt nor harmed, so if you are suffering it is because you have forgotten who You are. How do you remember this? You undo every shadow of the sin of separation that covers the Oneness of Perfect Love that is within you right now. This is what The Treasure Map does for you. For she changes your mind from the wrong to the right.

There is no need to stick with suffering. God has provided the way out of fear and into love and it is called The Treasure Map of Truforgiveness, FAITH & the 'I Forgive' Principle. It is the mind-correction from fear to love and will free you from the punishment you seek to know. That is right, you are in charge of what you experience, at a deeply subconscious level. The more guilt you have hidden within the darker the script in time you shall face. Learn how to forgive within, to undo the cause that is buried within the subconscious mind. And you will make miracles your own! 

For those of you that study ACIM, you will also begin to know the true teachings of the Course by revelation and not ego-interpretation. 

Good luck with going within and making miracles your own.

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness, 

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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