The Right-Minded Revelation 

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Forgive Within for Love

guilt perfect love true healing Feb 06, 2020
Paint in peace and perfection not sorrow and suffering

Perfection belongs to the Oneness, which is hidden within you right now. However, those thought-forms of judgment and attack place a veil of guilt across your sight, which makes seeing reality impossible. Reality being the wholeness of holiness, which is your real Home; Perfect Love.

There was a time when all I could see was a dark and demoralizing world. I witnessed to fear at every corner. Little did I know that the darkness was within me, it was not without. Now, seeing as though I have truly healed, I could venture to those same places that indeed once frightened me. The unholy places that I believed that sin was real. It is not, for it is a thought to be corrected not a means to be punished. 

Now, because I have truly forgiven the belief in separation, which is the true cause of every problem we face, I witness to the forgiven world where the beauty of Heaven is reflected upon my gaze. 

Right now, you sleep. Dreaming that death in duality is possible. Whilst you believe the dream to be true it will seem so, but just because you maintain your illusions of sin, guilt, and fear, does not make them true. 

There is the happy dream that the innocent Mind witnesses to, where you get to paint perfection by extending the truth of Perfect Love which is your natural inheritance. So, how will this help you in the life of the body that you find yourself in? 

Let's say that you are not happy with your job. It isn't fulfilling you and nor do you believe the pay is fair. Perhaps you are unhappy with your boss and looking to swap industries. Wherever you are you have not arrived there by chance. As it is the thoughts within that paint your picture in time. If you do not like the structure you must withdraw the shadows that you cast outward that seek for ways to hurt you. 

You need not run from this job that is less than satisfying unless the inner voice guides you to. What you must do is to shift your thinking from fear to love, which is what The Treasure Map offers; from the wrong mind to the right. Not only will you undo the darkness in your subconscious allowing you to see with the innocent eyes of a child, but it corrects the picture painted that you seem to travel through. However, people give up too early. This is what the ego wants, as it wishes to maintain control. The ego has nothing to offer you as it is not even true. It is the misperception that you are separate from God (Perfect Love). Had I not fallen so far deep into the valley of the shadow of death and been forced to do nothing other than to 'forgive within', I too would have given up and this path to peace would not have been discovered now.  

The greatest shifts with The Treasure Map occur for those that continue to practice it. 

So, for those of you that are not happy with your work, instead of ruminating on those thoughts of hate and complaining about it, utilize the shadows when they appear to undo them. Over time, the picture miraculously begins to correct. You might be bumped out of the company and forced to find a different path or you might wake one morning with a clear vision as what you need do. Either way, you are being placed on the path that will offer you happiness instead of hollowness. 

You place your Truforgiveness upon the altar to God and the picture begins to be painted in perfection, instead of punishment. 

Keep on 'forgiving within' until you love the picture in time that you move through. This is how I have moved from fear to love and the nightmare to the happy dream, whereby I wake with joy loving what I do. Work has become an extension of my love. No longer is it a source of pain for I have removed the guilt within that seeks for ways to hurt. One way I like to practice Truforgiveness is through yoga. Instead of stilling my mind as I move through the postures, I am shifting my awareness deep within and truly forgiving the layers of darkness that cover the truth of Perfect Love. It is especially great for those yin classes.

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness, 

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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