Deciphering Dreams
Mar 10, 2022
Have you ever woken from your nightly slumber to remember a dream, knowing that it was a divine message for you to follow? Yet, you had no idea of what it meant? Well, these dreams come from your subconscious and you finally have a tool to dig within that will reveal these messages to you via revelation and not ego interpretation.
For example, last night I dreamt that the soles of my feet were part black. It is the first night in many a time that I have dreamt, as I tend to not sleep so much these days. And it came after repeated prayers to God to give me a break, instead of my working Truforgiveness through the day and the night. Yes, I am constantly working around the clock these days, and as I am still in the human form I dearly wanted a rest. Gratefully, I got one last night. Which I am very happy about this morning.
As I said, part of my soles were black in my nightly vision. I was mystified about this in the dream and when I woke about it as well. And so, I utilized The Treasure Map to go within to decipher this divine guidance. Let's see what I got.
'I forgive not understanding why my soles were black in the dream. I forgive not understanding why my soles were black in the dream. I forgive not knowing why my soles were black. I forgive not wanting my soles to be black. I forgive not wanting to be a slave anymore. I forgive wanting to break free from slavery. I forgive the need to no longer be a slave to the ego-mind of judgment and attack. I forgive not wanting to be a slave to the ego thinking of judgment and attack. I forgive not wanting to be a slave to the ego. I forgive the need to not bow down to the ego. I forgive myself for bowing down to the ego. I forgive the need to break through the ego. I forgive myself for breaking through. I forgive the need to breakthrough. I forgive myself for breaking through. I forgive myself for breaking through the ego wall to keep me out. I forgive myself for breaking through the ego wall to keep me out. I forgive the need to no longer be kept out. I forgive the need to not be kept out. I forgive not being kept out. I forgive the need to not be kept out. I forgive the need to not be kept out. I forgive the need to be loved and accepted. I forgive the need to be loved and accepted. I forgive myself for being loved and accepted.'
The Treasure Map corrects our thinking from fear to love. And you can see in this message I am ready to no longer be a slave to the ego rules and regulations. For many years, decades prior to my awakening I used to do mediumship readings for people. I charged no one, often going without as I struggled with money. Believing that I was being of help doing this. That this was what God wanted me to do. When I started to wake up, God revealed to me that He would never have His Child bow down to another ego. Which was what I had been doing for many, many years. This was a mistake in consciousness that needed to be corrected. God would never ask His Child to entreat, to beg the ego for anything, let alone for money to take care of themselves!
In fact, this treasure map makes so much sense. For when I awoke from the dream, startled that I had partly black feet I could hear God tell me that it was a good dream, as the soles were not completely black. I did not understand until now. But it means that I am letting go of my need to be a slave, to work for free, and be a doormat to ego thinking. The partial black feet were letting me know I am in the process of giving up my need to be a slave and to find the freedom that I seek. It was a good omen as He revealed.
So, I ask you now, do you have a dream you need to decipher? If you do, make sure you apply The Treasure Map to it, for the process of FAITH is how you truly heal to correct your thinking from fear to love, and give up the need to be nothing to know you are everything: Perfect, peaceful and powerful.
I truly healed because no matter what happened I truly forgave it all. Whether that seemed that another hurt or harmed me, or I hurt or harmed another. The truth of who You are is within and God has granted The Treasure Map to wake you from your sleep of separation to know we are the same: Perfect Love.
Well, if you seek to decipher your dreams, I have the ideal giftbook for you... The Deciphering Dreams Treasure Map. Divine guidance belongs to the right mind to where The Treasure Map takes you.
Good luck with going within.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,
P.S Please note I am not being racist to dark-colored people. We each change our bodies from lifetime to lifetime. In fact, when I was a little girl, I would stop crying when being held by men of dark coating, which would reveal that I was colored in a recent lifetime. And subconsciously, dark-colored skin is still the symbol of slavery. It is time this symbol was broken, for we are the same, not different.