Daily Problem
Nov 27, 2023
What the ego tells you is your problem never is. For the cause has been concealed deep inside. For example, if you find yourself hated in time then you must withdraw this shadow to uncover what you hate yourself for. More than likely, you will be taken deep within to discover you once hated God for being the Creator and not the created. It was simply a thought to be corrected, not a sin to be punished. From when the Son of God wanted to be the Father and not the Child. A thought that needed to be truly forgiven not made true, which is why time happened. This is what saw part of the Mind of the Son to split and fall asleep. This is what the duality of death is. The dream you need wake from not be defined by. Whatever happens, withdraw the shadows you see without to uncover the light of Perfect Love that was once concealed from your awareness. And as you change your mind from the wrong to the right miracles will be made. You will remove the veil of guilt in the subconscious that keeps you trapped to lack, loss, and lovelessness, to remember the right mind You share with God. That knows wholeness, holiness and happiness. It is here your perfect, peaceful, powerful Self can be found. From negative noise to forgotten friends, truly forgive what you have concealed inside to be released from the suffering the belief in separation from Source has made.
Those daily problems are your signposts of what you need to clean up. Truforgiveness is not for another but for yourself. For example, if you find yourself late for meetings then this is what you need to clean up within. You might come to see that the cause is not your lack of time but your disrespect for others and yourself, and then when woven within ultimately disrespect for God. Each shadow of suffering must be looked at and truly forgiven to become free from. If you spent an hour a day 'forgiving within' in a few months you would come to see how much lighter and lovelier your life is. For you are dissolving the stones of separation that you carry around. When all the shadows of separation are gone you will have reclaimed the right mind where there is no need to truly forgive, for you will extend light without. This is where the 'I Love' and the 'I Am' principles holds true. You need your true prayers with The Treasure Map to purify what you think within and to change your thinking from the wrong mind to the right. The less guilt you have within the subconscious the more wholeness and holiness you will know. Why? Because you would have uncovered the mind of peace and love that is still in contact with the divine.
You have the power of Perfect Love to change the world, and all that is asked is you clean up the guilt to find grace. You will be rewarded for your work, for this true healing has been granted by God. He sees all you do and will assist to usher you into the happy dream that precedes spiritual awakening, which is why The Treasure Map has been granted. So, clean up those daily problems to return to the peace of God that is worth more than everything in the world of form. For peace belongs to wholeness & holiness that makes safe, secure, still and successful your sojourn through time.
If you would like help with cleaning up your daily problems with a treasure map, then perhaps dive into The Daily Problem True Prayer. Your set of 30 questions to help you to move from the wrong mind of judgment and attack to the right mind of peace and love. Whilst this is set to complete as your morning and evening true prayer, allowing for ten (10) minutes, it can be completed as a journaling practice. Please allow for 90+ minutes if you do intend to unknot the guilt within to remember grace as you complete the automatic writing. Your song of prayer.
Be unwilling to sit in the shadows of suffering. Instead, truly forgive the darkness to reclaim the light, with your Truforgiveness practice. By following the FAITH of God. This is how miracles are made.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,