Be Here Now
Nov 15, 2020
A lot of spiritual teachers tell you that you need to live in the present moment. You might be told to become mindful of your thoughts, consciously control what you are thinking, be aware of your surroundings, etc. There are many ways that you are guided to stay present including meditation, but it is miraculous how present you become when you learn to 'forgive with'. To change your mind from the wrong to the right.
The Treasure Map undoes the ego-mind to return thinking to the right mind of peace and love that is present to God. This is who you must become present to; the inner voice that knows innocence is true not the belief in sin (separation).
When people learn how to draw up their treasure maps, either via journaling or an inward meditation, they become present to their true Self. The Self they share with God. This is where true happiness belongs. You do not need to learn to monitor your ego thinking or to concentrate on good thoughts only. You simply need to undo the belief in ego-identification (special self) to know the true Self that God created You to be: Perfect, peaceful and powerful.
Your true Self lives in the now. It does not regret silly decisions in the past nor worry about unseen events in the future. Instead, it is still in the present moment, basking in the safety & security of God's Perfect Love. It is in the present moment your true Self knows not of time. If you want to enjoy the dream of duality, slowly and gently begin to undo your conscious thought by placing your Truforgiveness upon the altar to God, and you will shift from wrong-mindedness (judgment & attack) to right-mindedness (peace & love).
I was so surprised to realize that my conscious thought was not who I was. It was merely a projection of the hidden thoughts within the subconscious mind. When you clean these up, by undoing them (by following the process of FAITH) you will find the loving thoughts You share with God. That are not only positive but are true.
Whenever you are not in the present moment, it is because you are confused in who you are. The task before you is to not judge yourself, but instead to undo thinking to return to the peace that is hidden within you right now. Undo your problems to return to the truth of love and you shall be here now.
There are two thought systems, one belongs to the ego and the other to God. So change your mind to escape the punishment of the wrong mind to discover the peace of Perfect Love.
If you know how to 'forgive within' by following the process of FAITH then I have a treasure map for you to draw up. Go and get yourself something to write on and allow yourself 20 to 30 minutes to mentally drop deep through the layers of the subconscious mind. Start your map from the place of 'What have I been lost in thought lately about?' You see, what you think is not the cause. When you withdraw the shadow that has been cast outward you correct the story in the dream of time. And for those that do know how to draw up their maps start it from 'I forgive being lost in the thought of...'.
Be. Here. Now. By undoing fear to remember love, Perfect Love.
Good luck with going within.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,