Bad News
Nov 26, 2023
From what you read in the media, to what you watch on the television, to a telephone call that has been made, and to the awareness of a challenge in form, you clean up the fear to find love. This allows you to move from suffering to salvation. For you see in the news what is within. The greater the fear the darker the interpretation. Even when the news of a loved one's passing comes to taunt, those that give their allegiance to the right mind of being will be kept safe from this suffering seen in time. For the right mind reveals that death is not true, for the body is the teaching device not the reality. You cannot ever lose your loved one, for what God Creates as One cannot be parted. Yet, when you make the wrong mind your truth you are open to the shadows the belief in separation from Source has made.
So, from receiving scam calls to fear with opening your mail and from seeing terror instead of truth in the media to receiving a terminal diagnosis, you truly forgive the fear with the FAITH of God, and you will move through the problem to the peace within. And then, you will be kept safe from the story of time. This is what salvation truly means. The return to the right mind of wholeness, holiness and happiness that is free from the shadows of suffering the belief in separation from Source has made (this refers to the guilt within the subconscious that seeks to hurt and harm you).
When you find the light of Perfect Love inside and extend this without, it will keep you safe from bad news. You might hear of gossip that is being said about you, but the light within laughs it off; knowing it is not true. You must purify what you think, for the greater the light you remember (right mind), the lighter and lovelier the news you shall receive. Stop being punished by the shadows, by dissolving them with Truforgiveness to find grace. This then grants the release from sin, guilt, and fear to welcome in the knowledge of peace, love and innocence for All.
The truth of FAITH has been revealed by God. And it miraculously takes you from the wrong mind to the right, which is where God can be found. You must forgive within, truly forgiving each layer presented with the 'I Forgive' principle, as you give up guilt for grace. Follow The Treasure Map as you place your idols of separation upon the altar and the door from dark to light will open. This is how you purify your thinking from false to true which will eventually lead to knowledge.
If you want to start to receive good news then clean up your idea of news, until you remove the guilt from it to receive grace. You have the power to change your life, by changing your mind from the wrong to the right. This is how miracles are made. For the good news you seek belongs to the right mind of wholeness, holiness and happiness, where your true prayers with The Treasure Map take you.
If you are seeking to clean up the news you hear and to take it from bad to good, then perhaps dive into The Bad News True Prayer. This offers you a set of 30 questions to undo the darkness within the news to discover the light. And as you change what you think from fear to love, the story without corrects as well.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,