Asking For Forgiveness
Nov 25, 2023
All prayer is divine. For it is a means of communication with the created to the Creator. To truly pray is to remove the barriers to the truth of Perfect Love within. By dissolving the guilt of sin, the idea that separation from Source is true, you stop seeking for ways to hurt and harm yourself. This is how miracles are made. The Treasure Map is your true prayer for she undoes the fear to find love, restoring you to your right mind that knows and does not perceive.
The true cause of all your problems is the mistaken belief you are sinful of separating from God (Perfect Love). You must take the shadow you see in time and withdraw it within. For blame is merely the outward projection of an inward condition. You blame yourself for leaving God to make a home without Him. And it is this original sin that is too painful for you to look upon, that you project outward in diluted form. When you see murder, this is because You - as the One Son of God - believe you have murdered god to be the creator and not the created. When you see abandonment, this is because you believe you have ditched God to be in your own pain-ground without Him. When you see judgment and attack this is because you have judged yourself guilty of separating from Him, thus you seek to attack yourself, over and over again, in order to relieve the guilt from the misperception of separation.
Do not be content to ask for forgiveness the way the ego teaches, for this keeps you bound to the idea that separation from Source is true. Clean up the entire shadow from where it arose, and as you dissolve the darkness you will reclaim the light. The light that belongs to the right mind of wholeness and holiness. This is how you truly pray and truly heal, by removing the barriers that keep the truth of innocence out of your awareness.
No matter what you have done, it projects from some aspect of the belief in separation from Source. You must become vigilant to withdraw the shadows, one by one, so the pain and punishment is not overwhelming. If you looked upon the truth of sin (separation) it would be too severe to move through. This is why you must take the shadow seen in time (cheating, stealing, lies, manipulation, dishonesty, etc.) and clean it up from within. If you did one treasure map per day, over the course of a few months and even years, you would see how much lighter and brighter you are. For you are unpacking the backpack of hidden hate and secret sin that you carry from day to day. Things are not so rough when you forgive within, the way that God teaches and not the ego. However, you must build a solid foundation of trust and truth, so that when the ego-mind cracks open to reveal the right mind the terror of God is not overwhelming, as it was for me.
Remember, you must have your thinking in the lower gut of the body. If you are completing your true prayer correctly you will feel a bubbling up of energy as you dissolve the darkness that keeps you trapped to the misperception of sin, guilt, and fear. This is your thinking being purified from separate to the same: Perfect Love.
If you are looking to forgive then come into The Ask Right True Prayer. This includes a series of 30 question for you to complete either mentally, or as part of a journaling activity. If you do decide to write you will need 90+ minutes to complete this mind-correction from dark to light. As you apply the 'I Forgive' principle to discover the truth of light within, where the 'I Love' and 'I Am' principles hold true.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,