Aching Loneliness
Dec 14, 2023
I know what it is like to feel lonely. It was a very strong emotion that I felt when I was growing up, hiding a lot in my bedroom, aching to have friends that I trusted and could socialize safely with. However, it was not to be and what once seemed like my burden, has become my greatest blessing. All those weekends and school holidays, that I could, telling my parents I was too sick to go outside, I would stare up out of my bedroom window and look to the sky, talking to God. I was lonely for an older brother, being an only child myself. Yet the brother that I was aching for was the remembrance of Jesus. My spiritual brother who walked the path of Truforgiveness before me and carved a road that leads from judgment and attack to peace and love, which could never be lonely.
Loneliness belongs to the wrong mind of ego thinking. Where you seem to be separate from that which you love. In truth, the love you seek to remember is the truth of Perfect Love. Where there is no separation but sameness (wholeness, holiness and happiness).
The more of the truth of love you remember within, the less lonely you will be. I do not know where you are at now, you might be on your own or you could be in a room filled with family and friends, yet the ache of loneliness drags you down into a nightmare of despair. In truth, you are lonely for God. You want to be at One with Him, but this means you must give up your allegiance to the ego-mind of separation, sin, specialness, and suffering. The best thing that has happened to me in this dream of life is the cracking open of the ego which revealed the right mind of peace and love, our true Self. My experience was traumatic, instead of beatific, so I offer you this advice. Be respectful of The Treasure Map, she is powerful indeed and will offer you the love that you seek. Listen to the inner voice that will guide your path and whenever you confront those shadows of the sin of separation, know that you are undoing the wrong mind that is covering the right mind that is perfect, peaceful and powerful. When you remember this Self, you will no longer know an aching loneliness, for the truth of Oneness would have been returned to your awareness.
You have spent so long cleaning up your life on the level of form, it is now time to clean within, which will correct your misperceptions of sin, guilt, and fear. Returning thinking to the right mind that will offer you the happy dream instead of the nightmare of suffering the belief in separation from Source delivers. There is a way out of your suffering and into salvation. Hidden deep within you is all the love you seek. You can find it. You must mentally dig through the darkness to find the truth of love that your pain is protecting. Continuing to give up the guilt of sin & separation to find the light of love that you have hidden inside. You must apply the ‘I Forgive’ principle to all you find. Do not give up on yourself. I know how painful this journey can be. I too have walked it, but I have found a way out of hell and into Heaven - a state of Oneness with All. It can be found in waking, not death.
Wherever you are on your journey to remembering love, Perfect Love, I am sending the love we share, in the name of sameness. You are not alone; you have God that watches over you. And now you have The Treasure Map. She will lead you through the dark to find the light.
If you would like to dive into The Aching Loneliness Treasure Map Giftbook, then head to the link to find out more. I do wish that someone had of told me sooner that hidden underneath the darkness was the light of Perfect Love that saves from suffering. Be brave enough to look upon your hidden hate and secret sin, for it is this that keeps you stuck in the shadows the belief in separation from Source has made.
The love you seek is inside. Deep within. You must apply the 'I Forgive' principle to all you find (layer by layer) and if you do go deep enough down you will uncover the light of Perfect Love.
Whoever or whatever you are lonely for is what you must truly forgive. To reclaim the light that has been hidden from your awareness. So, who or what are you lonely for and why?
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,